chapter 6

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"nice presentation Mr. Daksh and Miss Arya, i like it very much! the colors are amazing, the designs are unique!" i said standing up from my chair clapping.

the other people in the room are also clapping, whispering of compliments were heard, amazed of the designs they have finished the presentation of the proposal to the board member

they are the reasons why we had business trip in Mumbai India last week. To make a collaboration with our winter collection for this year

they were supposed to be here next month but they sent a message that they're already arrived and eager to present their designs proposal for the project

"thank you, thank you! woah! im relief that you like it, you have no idea how much it helps us! Mr. Keem almost threatened us to makes sure you'll going to accept this proposal! i hope the board members like it too" Mr. Daksh said  bowing a few times hands in his chest looking to everyone in the room, he looks like a thorn got out of his chest 

yoongi raise his hand

"yes, Mr. Min" Ms. Arya said, everyone in the room can tell she's equally nervous like Mr. Daksh while presenting mostly now that Mr. Min the executive assistant to the CEO have a question for her to answer.

yoongi stands up from his chair, take a glance at me and the others

"i personally like the designs, the whole concept are very new to us..." he start to walk towards them in the podium.

its new to me to see him like this, he definitely would say something important, usually he stayed quiet after he expressed his like or disappointment until the meeting is adjourn but not this time

"i just wished your CEO Mr. Keem is here.. he allowed his executive assistant and secretary to present this marvelous proposal without him and this makes me think that he's not that serious to collaborate with us and maybe planning something else?" he continue saying until he comes infront of them observing carefully.  then turn his eyes on me. eyebrow furrowed, voice deep and feline eyes looking seriously

he expressed his dismay to me awhile ago when someone decided to start the presentation even their CEO haven't yet arrived, for him its shows of how unprofessional he is...

we having this emergency meeting for them for they are the one requested this, Mr. Daksh said his boss is so eager to start the contract even tho he himself cant make time to meet us

i sympathize with Mr. Daksh and Ms. Arya coz i saw myself in them when im starting to manage this company

their CEO are already in Seoul and yet hes's not here when the presentation starts

"im very sorry for that Mr. Min but Mr. Keem is on the way, he just dont want to make all of you wait for him when we were the one's going to present this, he have so much trust in us to do this even without his presence" Ms. Arya answered him looking anxious eyes on yoongi then advert to look at Mr. Daksh signaling him to support her statement

"yeah! about that... apologies in behalf of him, he's on the way, he just need to do something very important this morning, and if he cant make it again today i would like to set another meeting to discuss the contract and agreement and for him to answer all your queries" Mr. Daksh said after sensing his secretary that need his help to convince Mr. Min

"is he really coming this time? you know we are serious when it comes to business and we dont waste time.. i dont know how can you still convince our CEO.. hmmm as far as i know... your CEO personally writes the invitation for us to come in your branch in India, we stay there for almost 2 weeks but even his shadows are so shy to show himself" yoongi said head tilt to the side staring at them voice dripping with too much disappointment with his arms crossed in his chest

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