chapter 5

220 11 14

Jungkook POV

i goes to the counter and order my americano, i chose to sit in al fresco to have a great view of the road.. this cafe have a great location for universities around

the cafe door open and there he is again.. boston bag hang in his shoulder, a guy holding his hand seems whining about something with a pout in his lips and the other one is smiling wide at them, they pass by my table and the smaller guy waved at me before they left, the guy i catched is still looking at me

im taking a sip of my coffee while watching him get in a car that stops infront of the cafe. he open the front door to sits in a passenger seat smiling at the driver that got out in a car in a hurry to open the door for him but he just wave his hand smiling signaling the driver that he can manage and the other two sits in a back talking loudly, they seem arguing

thinking what happened earlier when i got in here, i was so shocked when i saw him falling with his tray right in front of me. i can let him fall but out of my reflexed i caught him in my arms...

he's so light, im sure he's a male but when im holding him i thought im holding a petal, he is so delicate.. why he have a curvy waist? shaking my head to what im thinking?

im smiling to myself like an idiot here thinking of him..

hands under my chin at top of the table tilting my head to the side looking at the place inside the cafe when all that happened. smirk visible in my lips repeating the scene in my mind, remembering all the details

he have soft and honey like skin.. even i just got close to him for a minute, a few details of his face caught my eye

fluffy and soft brown hair, he have brown eyes too, long eye lashes, a small dot of mole at the tip of his nose and his lips, is he using lip balm? its kissable! why is he looking so gorgeous?

did i just experienced love at first sight??

i have never experience this kind of attraction before

i want to see him again and hope my tongue wont caught by a cat when that time comes

his voice, so deep and velvety.
he's so adorable, he got teary talking about their drinks he accidentally spilled...

i think he blushed when im too close to him, im afraid he will fall again coz i felt his body leans on me even if he's already standing, thats why i hold him firmly

i decided to let go of him when his friends came to us. i hope the smaller one he called jiminie is just a friend why he calling him in a cute way?!

i saw how worried he was for that cute guy im holding.. oh i wished i had introduced myself but they didnt even ask my name even they invite me in their table

will i ever see him again?

maybe he's a uni student too, but where? there's a lot of university around this area..

i should come here everyday for a chance to see him again!

they called him tae... is it just a nickname?

why i didnt asked his name?!

what had just happened?!

why i didnt thought this things earlier?!

if i only accept the invites of that jiminie maybe i know now who he is...

i got too shy from how i held him thats why i declined jiminie's invitation to join them. tae didnt said anything again after he told me he's fine. he just stared at me..

and i want to hold him again!!!

i looked at my watch and noticed i've been thinking of him for an hour now.. i should eat something before my class starts so i ordered a sandwich.

i knew where's my class room would be and its near to the library, i'll just wait my time there while reading...

and make a promise to myself will just keep coming here hoping to see him again


Taehyung's POV

i sent a message to jeff hyungie to get us here in the cafe when we finished our drinks, i bought some cake for my eomma and for us to eat while we were studying

i saw him sitting in al fresco and jimin waved at him. i took a glance at him before i got in a car and looked at the side mirror to stare at him again while the car is getting far from that place

we are here now at my room inside mom's office but im still thinking of him..

is he still in the cafe?

but he said he got classes after lunch!

is he enrolled to a same uni like us?!

i take a glance on my watch seeing its almost 12pm, its lunch time... maybe he still there taking his meal

i should thank him properly for catching me, i got shy to talk to him again after he asked me if im okay..

he's so close that i forgot how to blink from gawking at him

he's so strong, i think he can lift me using only one arm, his doe eyes that shines but i saw sadness in them, i want to hold his face and tell him whatever bothering him its going to be just fine but that would be awkward, he might think im not in proper mind if i would say that

but i stood there like a stone, dont know what to think and still leaned on him after what happened!

Oh God Kim Taehyung! what kind of spirits took over your body that you coudnt say anything! im silently beating myself for being flustered

still thinking of him, remembering his  face

his lips is thin and pink with a small mole at the bottom, clear and white complexion, jaw lines that so prominent to his figure. why he's so handsome?

would he like to be my friend if ever given a chance? and i forgot to ask his name! i didnt even get his name! i click my tongue out of frustration!

i ran my hands thru my hair irritated. im so angry to myself for being clumsy. why am i like this?! im becoming nuisance to others

i felt my cheeks heated up, smiling like stupid still thinking of him, remembering how he held me

i hold my both cheeks with my hands and jimin notice me..

"whats wrong tae? are you okay? your face is red! you having fever??" jimin asked reaching me to check my temperature

"im fine jiminie i just remembered something" i said trying hard not to blush, if they notice this they will tease me for sure.

"and what is that??" jimin asked eye brow raised

"i forgot to buy drinks for mom" i said  hoping he will believe my reasons

"oh, yeah we forgot! cake is good when paired with coffee right?" we should buy now at the cafeteria while your mom is not here" jimin said standing up pulling me to him..

"you both will leave me here all alone?" minjae said turning to jimin he's sitting in a sofa scrolling his Instagram. 

"just stay here, we wont take long" jimin said holding the door knob

"yeah, we wont take long" i said winking at him

we were walking in a hallway when i saw mom coming out from the conference room, i walk fast and called him. he heard me and wait till i come near him

"we were just going to cafeteria to buy you coffee mom" i said holding his hand

"dont bother, i will ask selena to bring me coffee later, i'll be having another meeting after this.. are you studying with your friends?" he asked seeing jimin behind me

"yeah they come to meet you too mom"

jimin bow a little greeting mom

"okay, i'll go there after this.. this will be the last meeting take rest sweetie" mom said kissing me in my forehead

i saw yoongi hyung talking with someone near the conference room

"okay mom" i said turning around to go back to his office holding jimin's hand 

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