chapter 16

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Dad just finished signing up again another documents after he test drive a benz and its getting late now but still don't have our dinner and so we go to a fast food just to have a quick eat and go

We're in the counter when a man in a table with friends look at me and stare at dad, he walks behind us and whisper something near dad's ear

"You looking good man!" He smiles and wait for dad to turned at him

"Hey!" Dad smiles brightly showing his dimples seeing who's the man is giving him a firm handshake

"What's up?! I thought you couldn't remember me!" The man says still holding dad's hand

The man pull him to give a quick hug and a pat at the back

"I didn't expect I will see you here! When did you get back from Europe?"

"Just last month, I missed burger! Europe is all about pasta and pizza cuisine well that is what they good at and i wasn't complaining.. food is good there but for me, food here is incredible, specially McDonald's french fries" they both laugh at that

" Yeah, I still remember how we got late coz we're so hungry and grab a quick drive thru to order fries and burgers!" They both say the last part and laugh again

"and who's this young man?" He ask looking at me

" He is Jungkook my son, Jackson meet my son... Jungkook he's Jackson my best friend from college!" Dad look so happy seeing his friend

" Is he Jungkook now? the small kid with a big doe eyes that will take a good look at you and ask you to play with him that always hiding under your table and play with his robots" he said amused

" Yeah, here he is now almost same height at me, most bulky at me" dad said side hugging me

I smile at them shyly nudging at his side whining "dad"

"Bro, I as like to stay with you all night but I have some companion to attend and they are waiting for me.." he points to his previous table and there are 3 guys waving at him

" send my regards to your wife Hayoung" he smirk and gave dad a tap on his shoulder


Jimin won't stop squealing after i told him what happened in the cafe with jungkook and ask me what I've plan

I can't stop myself from blushing from all the teasing i got from him

Our gc got notified that we have sched for Jungkook dad and minjae will be   coming for sure, he cant come when mom sings coz he got their own plan doing their own project with his group mates, he wont let this one slide. He claims he's the biggest fan of Kim Namjoon

"Where will be the first date?" Jimin inquire smiling wide at me

"He said before we going to meet his dad in the office"

"Your crush is showing Kim Taehyung! You're blushing furiously! Minjae join Jimin to tease me more

" Stop it already you made me regret my decision to informed you both about his confessions!" I whine covering my face with a pillow

"You thought of not informing me about this Tae! How dare you! I told you everything about me crushing on your Yoongi hyung!" Jimin scoff

" I know that's why I called you both to inform this but what did I'm getting? You both teasing me!"

" What do you expect us to do? We just so happy for you, I know Jungkook likes you from the start I got an intuition about it! The way he talks to you, looking at you, asking you questions just to know more about you, I just cant tell you coz for sure you will tell me I'm being delusional" Jimin explained

" You say he's having your pictures in his phone! Dude you got him on the hook!" Minjae smiling wide causing of his eyes looks close

" He told me to tell him right away if he's doing something wrong coz I'm the first one he ask for a date"

" He so handsome and you're his first! Wow! I thought he got experience about dating, but the way he got shy, maybe he's telling the truth, atleast you'll not be dealing about exes" Minjae saying like he got in relationships before

" I'm excited for you tae! Imagine this!  the son's of a former famous celebrities are now dating! If your mom and his dad are still in the showbiz I bet you both are on the frontpage now in any magazine and tabloids!" Jimin got his voice high pitch

" That will be a headline" minjae join jimin imagining things

"You both have plans to leave me now? I have to sleep and its getting late" I said bursting their bubbles

"We going to sleep here taebear! You wished we will leave you and let you have a peaceful night?"

"Hey, he's having a date probably tomorrow! Let him have his beauty rest! Jungkook will be scared seeing him like a zombie for his first date" minjae pulled jimin to leave tae alone and drop him at home


Jungkook is in dad's room searching in his list of songs and albums, taking notes of every titles when dad walks out from the bathroom

"You find something you want?" He ask rubbing his nape with a towel

"All of this song is dope dad! But I think this one is great" he pulled out the album with the title TRIVIA: LOVE  and PERSONA

"but I found something in here, I think this is good too dad" and he show a piece of paper like its just pulled out from a notebook. Namjoon got it in his hands almost tripping for rushing to get it

"Where do you get this?" His dad asked, eyebrow furrowed scanning the notes in his hands

" I saw it in between of the albums, why? Is it not one of your songs?"

" I wrote this years ago, i thought i lost it"

" Really? I think is written very well but it doesn't look like a rap"

" How can you say its not a rap?"

" Its because of the title... It's a love song right? Maybe you made it when youre in love?" Jungkook saying like he's been analyze the song

"Yeah, maybe you're right coz I still love the person from which I dedicated to this song" his dad smile unknowingly. Jungkook stare at him lovingly thinking his dad is still inlove
with that person

"You know where is that person now?" Jungkook inquire

"Yeah, I didn't leave my eyes on him till now" Namjoon answered truthfully without cautions

"What? Really dad? Then why you married mom if that person still have your heart" Jungkook trying his luck if dad didnt realize he's answering him till his dad look at him realizing his son is already interrogating him about his past

"Why you want to know? Anyway! Just leave my things if you already picked a song for me to perform!" He fold the paper and keep it in his wallet

"Sorry dad, just asking... I wanted to know about your past, and will you look at this? I made a song for the one I'm going to date" he smiles handling him his notes

" Euphoria?" Namjoon reads

" Yeah, I want to sing it for him in our first date.. fingers crossed! Wish me luck dad!"

" Looks like you're dead serious about this person!"

" Yeah dad... I really like him like the first time i saw him, i knew i will love him even before I'm going to meet him" his son said looking like daydreaming

" I want to know who's this person is!"

" You will dad! We will be having date before we going to you tomorrow at the office and maybe I'll be going to sing this for him" he got his notes from his dad then turn to leave to go to his room to have his sleep but before closing the door he turn again to his dad and say... 

"Thanks for the bike and car dad! Love you!" then turn to close the door for real

Namjoon is smiling to his son's silliness and thinking who's the person he's talking about, he got him excited! Hoping whoever it is, its a good person for his son

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