chapter 13

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Three young men have been always together since they been grouped for a research project. A meeting is necessary and Jungkook is having a lot of fun being with them mostly when he's with Tae

There was a lot of moment that they caught staring at each other, laugh and got flustered for no reason and everytime that happens, they both look down blushing and calming themselves..

Taehyung is so cute and handsome at the same time and Jungkook, he's always been handsome. His thick eyebrows, cheekbones and that kind of jawline... Everybody taking their second look everytime he passes by

They knowing each other at slow pace, asking questions personally or just simply observing each other manirism

Taehyung easily makes Jungkook laugh with his clumsiness and the latter will pout at him. Jungkook will always find him cute


Jungkook POV

Its friday already, Tae invited us to his house to watch his mom sing, i bring my camera to film him and add it to our project, i research a little about his mom and got surprised for how many awards he won in his time

He came from a poor family but he study hard and graduate with a degree in media arts and films, he debuted in his early 20's, companies saw his potential and thats the start of his career but things got escalated, after 10 successful kdramas and a few singles he announced his retirement

Lot of companies offered him a much high talent fee trying to change his mind but he's already decided

A humor spread like fire that he's pregnant thats why he chose to retired early but no one can proved it, no one can change his decision too to leave showbiz

Im waiting for my bestfriend Hoseok here in the cafe, hes the one im telling Tae..he got shy telling me what would my friend will think if they see him but i convinced him that i have their approval for him to come

My phone got message notification saying hobi is outside the cafe in his car waiting for me

I walk outside and saw him leaning on his car

"Hey! You got new car? Wow!" I said walking to him

"Yeah, dad got a raised and gave this to me as a gift" he smile

" Okay, lets go.. they probably waiting for us, youre late even you have a car" i laugh at him

"im not used to drive, you know i just got my license" he get inside the car and out the keys

"i suddenly missed my car, but dad wont allowed me to drive again.."

" But its been a year since you got into an accident, wheres your car by the way?"

" In the garage, dad said he will get a mechanic to check it first before he would allow me to drive it again but he said he will get me a bike instead"
I smile remembering his promise

" He wont allow you to drive a car but he want to give you a bike?" He laugh

"i wanted a bike at first but he allowed me to buy a car, now that my car got problems he asked me if i still want a bike"

" Seems like youre getting close to your dad"

" Yeah, lately he always drop me at uni and take me with dinner with him, im talking to him a lot lately and im glad"

" Im happy for you jk!"

" Now i will tell you which way to taehyung's house, i want you to help me to film his mom! Im going to take down notes while you doing that"

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