chapter 12

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Jimin POV

"I'll message him" I said to jungkook that have asked me for the 4th time since we order our drinks.

"dont know why he's still not here, I called him before I got out of my house, he said he's on the way" i told him while im typing on my phone

"He replied, he said he's near..." I said putting my phone in the table, our drinks are half way glass and Jungkook almost finish eating his cookie

The bell on top of the door of the cafe ring indicating a customer came... finally he's here with his favorite hyung? Oh fck! Why is he with yoongi hyung? Tho I'm not complaining but I'm not prepared to see him

Taehyung wave at us smiling followed by yoongi hyung..

"Hello, sorry I'm late... Hyungie came and he offered me a ride" Tae nudge my arm

"he said he will be going in a cafe for a group work? so I offer a ride and wanted to buy a coffee, my day is not complete without my coffee" yoongi hyung saying smiling at us

" This is jiminie" tae pointed at me smirking

" I know him tae why are you introducing him again?" Yoongi look at me

" In case you forgot" tae laugh teasing me

"And this is Jungkook, one of my classmates.." tae said introducing him to his hyungie

"good morning sir" jungkook stand up from his seat offering his hand to yoongi

"you can call me hyung, may I know your full name kid?" Yoongi said observing him from head to foot

"Kim Jungkook sir I mean hyung" he smiles like a bunny

"Oh, another Kim. Are you new here?"

"yes hyung, I transfered from Ilsan"

" A Kim from Ilsan? Hmmm... I see" he look are Jungkook with feline eyes, nodding a little

"okay, I'm going to order for your mom too... Anything you want to add?" He said, his phone suddenly rings and the caller is Taehyung's mom

" Tae, will you order for me, I need to take this call, bought something for them too, here is my card " he said taking the call far away from us

I ask him after he order our drinks

"you didnt said he's with you tae!" I pinch his arm asking

" You didn't asked"

"But i called you before i got here, i even sent you text message before you came, you never said a thing!Atleast tell me?"

"What's wrong if he's with me? He just gave me a ride"

"Nothing is wrong.. just... Nevermind"

Jungkook is looking at us bickering, he ask...

"is he your hyung? I mean older brother?"

" No, he's mom's bestfriend"

" Oh, i thought he's your brother"

"I don't have a brother.. I'm the only child"

" Just like me" jungkook smiles like idiot, he's staring at taehyung but when tae look at him he always look down like he's not looking at him at all

We were at the same cafe.,the place we all first met, i mean we first met jungkook

i glance at jungkook eyeing taehyung since he opened the cafe door and wave at us.

Yoongi came to us after his call and ask again..

"Are you all staying here while doing your research project or going somewhere else?"

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