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"What the... Please calm down. This is a hospital. We were doing our best to save their lives"
An older doctor says to the parents of the two young men that is in the operating table at the moment, there is at least 3 doctors and a lot of nurses attending the patients need

Jungkook has a broken arm and left leg that's been stuck in a brake pedal before the rescuers manage to get him out while Taehyung is in the other table, his blood pressure is getting low and oxygen near a critical level, they need a blood donor for him and immediately have to transfuse it to him

"Please tell us what are their conditions?" Jin cries holding the doctor on his lab coat Namjoon and the others are behind him crying for what have happened to their friends

"Kim Taehyung is in need of blood transfusion, we need a blood donor, I believe the nurse that's called you here told you about it"

"yes, we are all here to donate"

Jimin and Minho has unshed tears worried sick for their bestfriend. Even Hoseok comes to the extraction room to have his blood test for a possible match

Jin and Yoongi sit on a bench outside the operating room waiting for a good news, it's been 5 hours till they all came but still their sons are inside

Namjoon came with a bag of food for all of them after he donated a bag of blood for his son, their son's friends all past the blood test to be a donor and now in the extraction room one after the other

Namjoon sits beside Jin consoling him while the latter is more calm now than before but he can't eat, he lost his appetite and wants to hear good news before he can swallow a bite of the burger Namjoon bought for all of them

The door is being pushed and all the doctors came out discussing what the best thing to do about their patients

One of them walks to where they are sitting and Jin is fast to ask a question

"How's my son! Please!"
The doctor looks down avoiding his gaze and sigh

"I'm afraid he can't be able to wake up sooner than we thought, the oxygen in his blood reaches a critical level for many times and we're afraid that it will take a week or more for him to gain his consciousness his oxygen in his blood is too low to support his brain to wake up but he's out of danger now, he has a broken arm too due to the impact of the car door on his sides"

"and Jungkook? How's my son doctor?"

"he's sleeping, aside from a broken leg and arm he's out of danger and can wake up anytime. I'll put them in a recovery room but Taehyung needs close monitoring, and another blood transfusion right away" 

"thank you doctor, thank you very much for saving them" Jin cries again and Namjoon pulls him to his chest

"I'm sorry Jin.. my son! This is all my fault, if I didn't got coward to answer his question, he must be with us and none of this wouldn't happened"

"I'm glad that you're aware! Taehyung is like a son to me! I didn't take care of him all these years for you to almost killed him"

"I'm sorry"  Namjoon can only say but that will be no use. His son is sleeping gaining his strength and they hope everything will be fine from now on

Jin doesn't want to leave his son's side the moment he is settled to the room Namjoon picks for them while Jungkook is just in the other room beside it with Hobi, Namjoon makes a call to tell Sudee what happened to his son and have to know that his ex wife is not in the house when all of these happened

The older lady cries after knowing the condition of him. Her heart broke in pieces and she's on the way to visit Jungkook

Yoongi has been glued to his phone since he starts talking to the investigator of the accidents but only Namjoon notices him

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