chapter 8

186 9 21

Jungkook POV

i just got out of the university when my phone rings... its dad

"are you still in uni?"

"yeah i just got out"

"okay, im near the area, I'll get you"
then he hangs up

after a few minutes i saw dad's car approaching... i get to passenger seat and he drove away, he seems exhausted and angry?

"you okay dad?" i asked looking at him, hoping he wont ignore me. he's wearing a suit earlier but now his coat and tie are tossed at the back of the seat, even his suit case and folders are just laying there like nothing

white polo are now loose, the 2 buttons are now unbuttoned and sleeves folded till his elbows

he look haggard and worried

he runs a hand on his face and hair, glancing at me, clenching his jaw

"something happened and its..... nevermind" he said focusing on the road, driving.

" how was your first day??" he asked me back

"uhmm... i have 3 classes to attend but the first one got cancelled, my professor's wife gave birth and he was on leave for 3 weeks"

"okay, do you need to buy anything for your studies? are you hungry? i want to eat somewhere, care to join me?"

"no, i dont need to buy anything for now, and yeah im starving" i said smiling, i felt excited coz this is new!

it's the first time dad dropped me off to uni and got me too on the same day, and now asking me to have dinner with him

he continue to drive till i notice that we we're surrounded by tall buildings, were at the business center of seoul

lots of hotels, restaurants and fast food for employee's and business man to choose from but he pulled over to a McDonald's parking lot and I'm a little shock,

i didn't knew he would choose to eat here... i mean he's a former celebrity and well known businessman then i thought i want to know more about my dad

curious to know about him a little more than usual coz i didn't expect this at all, i thought he will choose a finest restaurant in the city like mom but no, he choose a fast food

im fine eating on these coz hobi likes burgers and fries with sprite and he always asked me to join him

he goes straight to the counter to order big mac and nuggets and asked me what i like, i order fries and quarter pounder

there's only few customers and i just followed him to sit in a vacant table beside glass wall, I'll try to start a meaningful conversation

"how's work dad? i didn't expect you would choose to eat here" i asked amused

"sorry, did you like to eat somewhere else?"

"no, it's not what i meant, i thought you like to eat some other fine restaurants"

"i like food here, its my comfort food and there's a lot of possibilities that i wont meet any of my business partners here, places like those are..." he pause and think if he will continue what he would say

"i mean there's nothing wrong to eat here right and no one will recognize me here" he's more relax now than awhile ago

"what are your favorite food dad?" i suddenly ask

he look at me and answer nonchalantly


then i heared our number been called and i volunteer to go to get our food in the counter when the glass door opened

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