chapter 23

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"Yoongi, you think jungkook knows that his dad is our collaborative partner in this collection?" I ask while im preparing coffee for the both of us

Me and yoongi are the only one here at my office early morning to discuss the upcoming fashion shows when i thought to ask him about namjoon

"I think not, jungkook didnt mention him or didnt say anything while he was doing his rehearsal and that man! Where is he? Since he delivered the contract here he never visited again? He didnt even deploy his team for this work to help us! Do we have to do all the works? He must do something about this collection they just provide the designs and nothing more when he will get the 45% of all the sales!!" yoongi said with a grimace  face

"But i told him to never step on this office again"

"I think you should let go of the past so you can face him again without hatred, i know im asking too much from you but for its all good, Tae's knows him already. You shouldnt be worried anymore if they see each other"

"Are you forgetting something?" I asks yoongi with furrowed eyebrows

"What? About him being the real father of Taehyung? I didnt forget but we told him that im the father of Taehyung right? And even if he knows the truth? you can hide it anymore? I think Tae must know the truth!"

"But yoongi! Jungkook and Tae are dating! What are you thinking? They are brothers!"

"Oh that? You think jungkook's real father is namjoon? I bet with all my salary this month that kid is not his son!"

"What's happening to you? I thought youre convinced that namjoon did cheated on me"

"I never said that! That is what you wanted to believe, i know namjoon is madly inlove with you, he's just a victim of situations and you just left him when the news of that Hayoung being pregnant of him"

"But what if namjoon is his real father? We need to separate them!"

"Jungkook dont looks like him in any way" yoongi have his hand in his chin thinking if the two look alike or having a common mannerisms

"Thats is the best reason why you should you need to talk to him"

"Remind me to call him later today"

"If jungkook is his brother, we dont have a choice than to separate them"
I take a sip on my coffee thinking what my son would feel about it?

I felt sad. Taehyung might get angry at me when he knows everything about this! Why for all the people he catch feeling to his brother


"Tae, are you busy after class? Have a coffee with me please?" Minho asks leaning on Tae's desk. Chin in his hands looking at his friend

Tae startled when Minho suddenly walked inside their room and asked

"Sorry, I'm busy Minho hyung, maybe next time?" He smiles looking at him

"Oh, come on Tae, just this once.. I've been spamming you but you never replied, you know what? Roots grew on my feet for i didnt move from where I've been seated in the cafe hoping you will come but you never did. I guess you never missed me" Minho sulks staring at him with puppy eyes

"I forgot to reply because I was so busy that day and slept early.. im sorry"

"That's why you need to come with to that cafe, i promise we just hang out for an hour"

"But what if your girlfriend sees us? She might get angry at me"

"Dont worry about her. I dont even know why she's always jealous of you. Maybe she knows you're more beautiful than her" Minho wiggles his eyebrows playfully

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