chapter 24

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I call him, taking glances on his side...

he's been quiet beside me since I started driving, he's holding my hand but staring out of the window

"Babe?" I call him again, he seems so lost thinking about something i hope it's something not someone. Then he look at me

"Why suddenly you're in the cafe, are you with uncle Joon?"

"no, i just came and you're the one with dad, why you'd ask?" I lied

"well, Minho didn't come and i was thinking maybe you met him outside and had a talk. You know?"

"why would I talk to him if ever i saw him outside the cafe, i dont like him at the first place"

"okay, maybe he got an errand to do.. I'm just thinking, he wants us to spend some time and asked me if I'm serious about us, i don't know what he's thinking why he asked me that"

"he asked you about us?" I tighten my hold in the stirring wheel. Is he flirting with my baby? Such an asshole!

"just forget about him.. we should focus on the event" I give him a light squeeze in the hand while parking the signal me that he will go first to meet Taehyung's mom

Tae looked at me, waiting why we're still in the car I pulled him for a kiss, its a simple kiss but i make sure that he will feel the love I'm feeling for him, I'm still jealous about him meeting his friend.. we got lost and enjoy kissing but I stop and stare at him

"Why are you so beautiful Tae?" He pulls back smiling while holding my shoulder


"I said you're beautiful and i love you"
I lean to peck on his lips and he smiles wide

"What's with the sudden confession huh?"

"Should i have a reason to say i love you? To tell that I'm madly in love with you huh?" I said serious

" Why are you getting mad?" Tae pull back to take a good look at me

" I'm not mad, why would i be mad? I just want to tell you, to remind you that I love you. I love you Tae. Whatever happens, remember it"

"why are you saying this? What would probably happen? I'm getting nervous. Don't scare me like this baby" he caress my face and leans to hug me

I hug him tightly and kiss his cheek

" Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you babe i just want you to know that I'm so inlove with you"

"i know, I'll remember it. And i love you too. I will always love you Jungkook"

We kissed deeply once more before deciding to follow dad inside the building

We ride the lift holding each others hand like someone will get him away from me

We knock on his mom's office door when we heard shouting inside, Tae opens it and I saw dad having an argument with his mom

"Dad? What's happening here?"

Tae release my hand to go to his mom

"Mom? Why are you shouting at Uncle Joon?"

Jin holds Taehyung beside him while looking at my dad

"Were not fighting, we just discussing something and didn't agreed on the time we having the fashion show this sunday"

"This sunday? Mom? It's Thursday already. You mean next Sunday right?"

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