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Taehyung moves his fingers and fists on his white sheets, his eye balls visibly moves through his eyelids. He looks like having a dream till his head moves to his right

He's been sleeping from the night of the accident, and that was 5 days earlier.. the last thing he remembers is the feeling of the sting cutting his skin off the side of his face from broken glasses of the window car

He even felt his blood running down to his cheeks and arms. Jungkook's hands grabs his deep wounds on the side of his neck shouting, calling his name but he's losing consciousness. He's trying to stay awake but he can't control his eyes from closing. Everything for him is spinning till he black out

He feels someone's hands pressed with pressure to stop his wound from bleeding and a sting on his heart. The currents from the apparatus the surgeon uses to him to bring back his heartbeat on the operating table. The feeling of something blocking his air passages, the difficulty of breathing. , his dreams are so vivid, it makes him feel the pain all over again. He feels so weak from losing too much blood. All is too much for him but for what reason? He doesn't even know why suddenly a car chases them that leads them to a secluded dark road

The memories of the past event flashes in him like a nightmare before he jolted from the bed startling his Mom that is taking a nap on the side of his bed then a gasps comes out from his lips

It feels like finally, he can breath properly


Taehyung first words after his upper body raise from the bed that even he's wearing the facial mask of oxygen can be heard clear from him

Jin abruptly raise his head feeling his son's movement on the bed. His tears fall the moment he sees his son fully awake calling for him. Taehyung pulled out the oxygen mask out of him, he need to talk. He wants to talk to his Mom

"My son!" His hands cups his face caressing his cheeks. He wants to make sure that Taehyung truly is awake. She looks at the clock hangs on the wall making sure he himself is awake

"Taehyung baby! I'm so happy that you're finally awake... You know me right?! I'm your mother"

Taehyung stares at him and raise his hands to feel the skin of his face. He blinks and slowly tears form in his eyes

"Mom, you're my Mom..  I.. i thought I couldn't able to see you again. I'm so afraid. I'm losing consciousness, all becomes dark and i...I thought.. I'm so sorry..."
Taehyung starts to cry, his hands on his Mom shoulders holding on to him

He looks around and all he can see is white, he feels the sting on his hands and realizes an IV connected to him

"Where is Jungkook Mom? Where is he?! Please tell me he's okay? Mom!"
Taehyung pulled back from Jin to asks. He remembers that he is with him inside the car when all the collision happens

Jin's attention is on him and ignores his question. His son needs a doctor. He's now fully awake and his doctor needs to know his condition

"Calm down Tae, you need to calm down"  he holds him close and calls for his friend Sia that is outside the room

"Sia! Call the doctor! Hurry up! My son is awake now.." he shouts. Sia opens the door and cries seeing Taehyung sitting on the bed looking at her.

"Nana is here too?"

"Yes, all are here for you son, were so worried for you"

"I'll call your friends.. they visit you everyday, talks to you. Sings for you. Waiting for you to be awake


Namjoon runs in the hallway of the hospital though he knows it's forbidden

"Sir, stop running. No running in the hallway please"

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