chapter 25

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"Tae, Jungkook" Jimin called his friends upon entering his mini studio. They have been rehearsing the song since they came last night, the two of them crash in his place so they can rehearse again early in the morning.

It's Saturday and they have to perfect it till tomorrow, it's like that is all they need to do for the fashion show

Taehyung is the first one to wake up this morning, he made hot chocolate for himself then went straight to the studio again to do some vocalizations and to memorize some lines

Jungkook came searching for his boyfriend, but decided to make some coffee for him and for Jimin that wakes up realizing he's the only left in his room

Taehyung and Jungkook made some for breakfast for all of them but still continue to sing in the kitchen, they never stop and now that Jimin is hungry again, he made sandwiches for all of them

"Have a break for awhile, both of you need to rest too, actually you don't need to rehearse that much! I'm sure your parents will be so shocked to hear this" Jimin holding a tray of sandwiches and drinks walking inside his small personal studio

"but it has to be perfect! I'm so excited about this Jungkookie" Taehyung whines calling his boyfriend that's been busy memorizing the tone of the song

"yes baby, just a minute.. then we will sing it for the last time before we start preparing our lunch.. I know you're hungry and tired too baby but I want to make our parents proud when they hear us singing their song"

"It's their song? Who made it for them?" Jimin inquire handling them the sandwiches he made

"I don't know, I just saw it in his things, this song might be special for mom, he's so happy when I found it in between his notes" Tae describes his Mom remembered him how he smiles when he found it

"Just like dad.. he even thought he lost it a long time ago and he talks about someone that loves him so much"

"your dad too? Mom said it too, he said he thought he has lost it long time ago"

Your dad love some else aside from your mom?" Jimin asks while taking a big bite from his sandwich

"Yeah, unfortunately he loves someone else"

"but they are not divorce right? Tae asks not believing that uncle Namjoon is being unfaithful to his wife

"It seems like that, sometimes I think they never love each other, my Mom doesn't like me, she always starts the fight between them and doesn't care about us"

"Jungkookie" Tae hugs his boyfriend feeling sad about the things he just known about him, he never thought his boyfriend doesn't have a loving mom like he has

Jungkook hugs him back and runs his hand on his back greatful for having a loving boyfriend like him

"don't be sad about me baby. I got used to it already, and besides I have my dad. He never fail to make me feel how he loves and proud for having me as his son"

"but still, she is your mom, she shouldn't make you feel like you are nothing" Tae got teary pulling from a hug to look at him and peck his lips

"I got my nanny, her name is Sudee, she's like a mother to me..." Jungkook smiles

"You have a nanny? Just like me... I don't have a dad but Mom never makes me feel that something is incomplete with my life, Yoongi hyung is always there for me aside from my nanny Sia"

"You don't have a dad? I thought your dad have died or something but never thought of it"

"When I was little, I asks Mom about him because I seen my classmates have a mom and dad but when I asked him about it, he got sad. Since then, I never asks him again. I don't like seeing him that sad ever again. Besides, I never felt that I needed to know him afterall these years. I guess he never likes me because if he did, he would never left us, right?"

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