chapter 3

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the ray of sun of early morning shines  thru in his glass door from the terrace, pink curtains sway a little due to a light air that coming in the ceiling fan inside the room

jin woke up in his side facing his sleeping son that having a small pout in his lips, hugging a pillow, his brown hair is so fluffy exposing his forehead.

'do you need to know who is you dad? am i not enough, i think i raise you well, you stop asking about him long ago... am i being inconsiderate of you like he said? what did i do wrong that im still suffering from the past?'

he raised his hand to caress his hair and face while the other is adorable leaned to his touch

its been 30 minutes now since he's been staring to his son's face... thinking about a lot of things, he even forgot the alarm he set last night and flinch hard when the alarm goes of...

he reached for it to not disturb further his sleeping son and tae pull up the blanket over his head when he heard the alarm wanting to sleep more

jin caress his back but didnt know what he did was lulling his son to sleep some more, he pull down the blanket and whisper softly in his ears

"baby, its time... get up now, you have Uni... i'll make you breakfast"
jin said kissing his forehead and pull away

tae hears his mom voice and slowly open his eyes, he saw his eomma standing up and he remembers yesterday's event, mom's back.. smiles a little and whine,

"eomma, let me stay for a day.. please i want to be with you!"

jin turn around hearing his son saying something

"tae you can always come in the office and stay there after Uni.. i cant stay here today, theres a lot of work, you know the drill"

"but mom..." he whines

"no "buts" get your ass up, your lessons cant wait"

"your  yoongi hyung might awake now and waiting for us for breakfast"

tae gets up after he heard about his favorite hyungie, he almost forgot about him and before his mom got angry from his whining, he wouldn't like if his mom turn his voice in a scary tone. jin knows his son are just trying his luck for him to agree but never insist to the point that they have to argue

jin walks inside his bathroom to wash up before going downstairs to join the others preparing the breakfast. seeing the weather is nice he thought to have it in the garden

his son walks towards his room to wash up in his bathroom and get ready for the day

"good morning sir" greets the maid to their handsome boss

"good morning... what else can i do, are you already finish cooking?" his eyes roaming around the kitchen seeing the food in the plate ready to serve

"good morning sir, we're done cooking, where you wanna take it?" one of the maid ask

"please set the table in the garden, i want to see my lilies and roses, the weather is nice, hows myeong and jihu?"

"set it immediately" she gestured the other to move fast..

"the dogs are fine, tae always gets them inside his room after he study" Sia said with a smile gesturing the maids to settle the breakfast in the garden like Jin said

"Sia, i- am.. i want to ask something" jin having second thoughts if its okay if he will tell her about his son's dad.

Sia is with him ever since he's starting his career as an actor... he trusted her so much, he got pregnant and assigned her as his son's nanny.. he need to work until he decided to leave the lime light and focus to build his clothing line... he's doing all this for his only son

"what is it jinnie? is there something bothering you?" Sia sense him, she knows something is wrong. she comes to him and hold his hand, assuring him that whatever is it, it will going to be just fine.

"its about tae.."

"what about him? is he sick?"

"no, he's not sick.. its about something"

"eomma? nanna? im hungry... lets eat!
where is yoongi hyung?" taehyung  said running walking fast the stairs  straight towards them

he's wearing a loose khaki pants and green polo shirt, sleeves folded up to his elbow, mute boston bag hanging in his shoulder

jin turn his head hearing his son's calling him and Sia released jin's hand  walking towards the fridge to get something

"mom, where's the food? where are we going to eat?" he holds his mom's arm clinging to him

"in the garden.. the weather is nice and i want to see the flowers" he answered him walking out at door to their garden, the 2 dogs greets them walks to their sides like guarding them

"where's hyungie?? i thought he's  with you? and nanna Sia?" he ask when he turned around but didn't see her walking behind them

"i asked her to do something for me, she will join us later.. what time do you need to be in the Uni?

"in a while, i just have 1 class to attend and then im free after i work on my assignments of course... i want to go in the office mom" he said while munchin on his pancakes...

Sia came with a fresh squeeze orange juice in a tumbler with his yoongi hyung in his suit ready to go

"good morning hyungie! lets eat"

yoongi came to his side to sit and notice jin

"what happened jin? are you okay?"
yoongi sense jin is worries about something.. 

"everything is fine, why you suddenly ask that?" he smiles, acts like nothing is wrong.. he needs to coz he don't want to worry his son that happily eating in front of them

"okay if you say so" yoongi proceed to get some pancake to his plate and drink his coffee, he didnt ask further. he knows jin's avoiding to talk about it coz his son is with them

"join us now nanna!"

"i'll will eat later tae.. jinnie, your juice" she put down the tumbler in front of jin

"thank you Sia"

"im going now mom, see you later" tae said seeing his wrist watch, he going to be late he put the half of the pancake in his mouth, he turn to his hyungie to embrace him goodbye, walks to his mom to kiss him in the cheek and fastly walks inside to get his bag..

as usual his jeff hyungie waiting for him infront of the their car ready to drive him to his Uni

Sia sit down beside of jin and asked

"what youre going to say earlier? tae came and you become silent.. what is it?" voice soft, worried for his friend

"its about his dad., i think i cant escape him this time"

yoongi looked up to them hearing his friend's words

" i knew it" yoongi said to them sipping in his coffee

"you can handle it.. you're much stronger now not like before...were always here, dont worry. you just came back"

"i know sia but he sounds determine this time... he wants to see tae"

"you will figure it here for you, and yoongi. we will help and support you whatever you have decided"

"yeah, why are you worried about? he's part of the past.. nothing more!" yoongi said agreeing with Sia with a smile on his face

"okay, we will be focusing to the clients from mumbai, they will be here next month, prepare the contract yoongi, this will be a lot of work" he said distracting himself from thinking too much

he start to eat and Sia join them eventually.

he get ready to go to his company, his son will be there after Uni and there's will be a lot of work waiting for them with yoongi

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