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Taehyung still in shock of what happened to them after the performance they had. The scene is playing on his mind and all he can do is to think about it..

What if they really have a same dad? That they are truly siblings, but they love each other. The scandal of it worried him and the thought of loving his brother is the worst

Why is this all happening to him?

Jungkook glance at him. He's holding his hands since the start while driving, he can say that he's angry. The way his eyebrows contours and jaw clenching

"Kookie" he calls and Jungkook stops the car on side of the road, he doesn't even know where they are

"Tae, I will never leave you" Jungkook turns to him and hold his both hands

"I don't want to leave you too but if you're mom saying the truth, we can't do anything about it"

"No, no, no! She's lying! Don't say that! I know her! This is so embarrassing to tell but she always lie! I don't know what she gets by lying but I won't believe her. I don't want to believe her. She always do things to hurt dad. Yeah! That's it. She wants dad to widraw the filing of divorce at her that's why she thought hurting him through us can make him do the things she wants"

"If that's the case we need to go back, we need to talk to them and know the truth from them"

"But what if they separate us! No! I wouldn't allow it"

"Kookie" he cups his face and look at him with loving eyes, he has unshed tears but he won't allow it to fall.. he has to be strong for the both of them

"I wouldn't allow it too Kookie, I love you very much to think that your my brother is totally absurd"

"Tae, I don't want to go back yet, I'm too afraid what is waiting for us"

"Then we need to stay away from them for a while but I know they starting to look for us, maybe we send them a message where we are.. as much as I hate my mom now, I can't make him worried for me like this" Taehyung let his tears fall for his mom.. he's all he got from the start and he knows that the last thing he will do is to hurt him

"I love my dad too but if they know where we are we should expect them to be here within a day"

"If you're going to send them a message or call them then we can't stay in one place"

"I'll send them a message now that you're driving, they will be hard for them to locate us"


"Do I have to do all the work! Why are not helping me?!" Hayoung shouts on the phone talking to her best friend Hwasa

"But I don't want to involve myself again with you.. I did my part when I make sure that Namjoon and Jungkook have an accurate blood relation when he asked for a paternity test in our hospital. If you have plans on them it's all into you now!" Hwasa cut the call and let her ex best friend do whatever she likes. She's tired of her madness

"Alright then! I don't need cowards by my side. Jackson left me too and in return he will never know that he has a son! Jungkook is his... Poor kid. He will die without knowing who is he's real father!" She throws her phone on the backseat and hit the gas on her car

"I guess I'm on a man hunt now.... Just a single message and I'll locate you! I'll find you two and I'll make sure your dearest parents wouldn't have a chance to be with you both!" She laughs like a maniac, she really lost it


"Tae! Tae! Where are you baby! Talk to me please! Answer this goddamn phone!" That was the 20th voice mail Jin has been sent to his son, he can't find him. After the scandal on the stage his son is nowhere to be found, he's trying hard to stay calm but the as time goes by and the nights gets deeper he can't do anything but to get scared, he needs his son to be with him

"I already reported it to the police Jin, stop crying! everything will be fine. We will find them, he's probably with Jungkook" Namjoon hugging Jin calming him

"It's all your fault! Why didn't you answer his question! You said they're not brothers because Jungkook is not your son?! Why you didn't tell him the truth! He wouldn't run away if you only answers him!"

"I got embarrassed Jin, the years I'm not with him, the days past that I'm not with him to be a father to him! I don't know what to tell him! When he asked me that on my face. I just don't know what to say"

"You idiot! I thought you're genius! All you have to do is to answers his fcking question but you didn't and now they are missing! They are both missing!" Yoongi is so angry he grabs Namjoon's collar slamming him to the wall

They are all in Jin's house hoping his son and Jungkook came home early because they're gone after Hayoung made a scene but they're not. Namjoon calls Sudee but he just make the old woman cry telling him that Jungkook is missing

"Fck! I'm going to killed that bitch! She's been a problem to all of us from the start but you didn't do anything! I want her to rotten in prison!" Yoongi release Namjoon then walk back and forth in the living room thinking where the kids probably be

"I call everyone of our friends hoping they come in their place to stay for the night but they are not" Jimin cries in Hobi's arms leaning to him while they are both sitting in the couch

Minjae and Hobi calls all the posible people the two can think of asking if they drop by to their places

Sia and the other maids are all worried too for their young boss when Namjoon phone's rings on top of the table and he accepts the call right away without looking on the caller id


"Is this Kim Namjoon?" The firm voice of an older man asked on the other line

"Yes, this is Namjoon! Who is this?"

"May you come here at the general hospital? We found your contact number in the patients identification card"

"General hospital? What card?! Who's patient it is?!" Namjoon stands up from the couch hands gripping on the phone

Yoongi snatched his phone and put it on speaker. They all listens to him carefully. He grabs his keys the moment he hears the name of the hospital

"Kim Jungkook and Kim Taehyung sir, are they're your sons?" The officers asks on the other line

"Yes! I'm his father! They're both my sons! I need to know their conditions! How are they!? Tell me what is their conditions?!" He's in panick but he needs to stay calmed

"They both in the emergency room as we speak sir but Taehyung loosing a lot of blood, get here fast and come with a donor"

"We were on our way!" He cut the call and runs to get in his car. Jin and Yoongi follows him crying. Hobi and Jimin stands up from the couch wiping their tears ready to go

"What happened to my son!" He asks after he get in the passenger seat

"Look at your phone Jin, Taehyung must have been sent you a message"

Jin get his phone on his pocket and saw 2 messages from his son

"He texted me" he opens it and read it silently

"What does it says!" Namjoon asks

"He said they need time to be alone for a while, that they're scared, they love each other and wants time away from us too. That they are safe, we shouldn't be worried for them, they rent a hotel room to think a lot of things happened to them, they will return eventually and sorry"

"They said they are safe but what is this?! How they end up in an emergency room! My son! I don't know what will I do if I lost him Namjoon! He is my life! All of this is for him!" He cry hard holding his phone while Namjoon is focus on driving, he needs to be with him.. his son needs his blood to save him

Lol Im loving this update!🥰🥰🥰 Thanks to my friend for updating this 🥺
Im sorry,😭 i lost motivation to continue and plan to delete this book instead but he said he would like to continue it if he got time to spare so i let him 🥺🥺🥺 Check out his books too! i personally like his book the 🥰DIFFERENT WORLD🥰 by zeta_epsilon coz i requested him to write it for me 😜


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