chapter 11

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Jungkook is in the kitchen with a few maid and his nanny Sudee cooking breakfast when his dad came to the dining table wearing his long sleeves polo but his coat is hanging in his shoulder

A maid came with a coffee in a mug and put it down infront of Namjoon after she greet her boss a good morning, Jungkook heard her and turned to look at the table, seeing his dad sitting there

"Hello Dad, good morning" Jungkook greets

"Good morning" Namjoon replies sipping in his coffee

"I didn't see mom, is she here with us?" Jungkook inquire picking a fried bacon from a pan

"Yeah, she's in the room, probably still sleeping... By the way, Sudee i almost forgot, bring her medicine for her headache later. Her migraine is getting worse" Namjoon said raising his eyebrow

He know she'll be having hang over coz of her excessive drinking last night

Sudee came near him with a food in a plate and a newspaper for Namjoon

"she have migraine or she's the migraine?!" Sudee replied not caring if someone hears her

"Sudee, not now..." Namjoon signaling him to keep it low

"I'm sorry, but how long will you tolerate her? And one more thing, I noticed something off with her"

"Later Sudee," Namjoon said pointing at Jungkook, he don't want his son to know all this between him and his mom

"I don't want to meddle with it but don't you consider telling this to your son? He's not a child anymore"

"I will tell him, i just need to do some work, after i have the results, i will eventually tell him"

"okay, sorry if I'm involving myself too much into your private life Joonie, you know i cared about you and Jungkook. Despite of her not working, she can't make herself available for his son, even Jungkook didn't say anything i know he wants to feel his mother's love" Sudee said tearing up, she love Jungkook as her own and seeing Hayoung being careless, not caring like a mother to him breaks her heart

"Dont cry, i will do something about it.. i just need to do this fast so i can free myself from her" Namjoon said holding Sudee's hand

" What is this drama?! my head is killing me and here I will see a maid flirting with my husband!" Hayoung almost shouting walking down stairs, wearing a short and loose shirt, her hair in a messy bun, hands holding tight on a railing to support her legs

"Mom, are you alright? What happened to you?" Jungkook said walking towards the stairs to help her walk

"I'm okay sweetie, i just a rough night arguing with the most heartless man I've ever known" she scoff

"Here, let me help you" Jungkook came near his mom to offer some help

Sudee walks away from Namjoon to go back in the kitchen, she always  ignore accusations than to have a worthless argument with her

Namjoon gave her a look, done with all her facades

"What?" Hayoung ask

"What?! I don't have time for arguments, i just want to have my breakfast peacefully.  I have a company to take care of unlike you!" Namjoon said to her starting to eat his meal

" What should I expect from you?! I know you'll say that, everytime I caught that maid flirting with you, you'll defend her! The audacity to make her nanny to my son!" Her voice heard all over the house

She's always like that, jealous over stupid things, she knows Sudee is older than Namjoon and they are just good friends since he's a famous rapper but still she's jealous over her cause she can't talk to Namjoon the way she talks to him

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