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Jackson has been standing outside of his best friend's front door. He doesn't know how long he has been there thinking what to do now that he knows his son is just a click of a door away

He's there fidgeting in place, making speech inside his head what to say, how to start the things he wants to say. It's been weeks that Jungkook is out of the hospital. Even his neck braces and leg cast are all removed

He give Namjoon a call last night, he wants to formally introduce himself to his son and Namjoon agrees.. it's about time

A lot happened in just a matter of year. He never thought he has a son, all these years he thought he's alone. If he ever knew, he wouldn't let him be with his Mom but there's nothing he can do about it now.. Jungkook is a grown up man and the only thing he wishes is he will accept him as his father

Namjoon descends in the stairs from his room. He's been glancing at his wrist watch waiting for his friend to knock on his door. Jackson said he will be there first thing in the morning but until now even his phone doesn't have any messages from him, not even a miss call

He opens his door to look outside. Just to check if he's coming but he almost curses seeing Jackson right infront of his door

Jackson widens his eyes seeing the door is opening. Namjoon stumbles backwards, he doesn't expect to see him

"What the fck are you thinking?  Why are you standing there like a stalker! You give me a fright Jackson Wang!"

He scratches his nape, eyes casted down and stump the tip of his shoe. He look like a child feeling shy for whatever he did

"How long have you been there! Why didn't you knocked? At least message me that you're already here!"

"Joon"  he calls again now running both his hands on his face trying to erase the fear that's been staying in him

"What? Come in! Jungkook is in his room.. I'll call him"

He turns leaving the door open for him and walks to the stairs, he will call Jungkook right away but Jackson reaches his arm to stop him. Joon seems rushing while he has time to gather more courage

"Wait! Just let me.. wait for a while! I feel my heart will run out of my chest"

"You'll be fine! Take a seat there and I'll get him"
Namjoon pulls him inside and look upstairs. He's happy for his son. Jungkook will now have two fathers and Jin could be his mother. At last Jungkook would experience a normal family and he will give him all the support he needs from now on. He wouldn't feel that there is something missing in his life

"Wait! Will you wait for a minute! Why are you rushing? You told me you'll help me..."

Jungkook in on top of the stairs without any stick to help him walks, he said his leg is totally fine now and he wants to move around without any help of it

Namjoon and Jackson looks at the source of the voice. Jungkook is looking handsome looking down at them, his eyebrows raised. His father's friend is here again

"Hello Mr. Wang?"
He waves a hand at him and starts to take a step. He has a grip hold on the railing careful not to miss a step

Jackson makes way to help him descends the stairs almost pushing Namjoon out of the way to reach him on top. Namjoon chuckles

"I thought you need time to..."

"Why you're not helping him? Can't you see he wants to go downstairs, you should have given him room down here for a while!"
He scolds him that makes Jungkook more confuse. He acts like a parent to his child but instead scolding his father for not taking care of him

"I got it sir.. I'm fine, i want my room upstairs"

Jackson softly released his arm to let him walk on his own but stayed alert in case he miss a step

"He got it, don't worry for him too much"

Jackson doesn't leave his eyes on him while Namjoon enjoy watching them. They reach the living room and both sit across each other. Namjoon take a seat beside Jungkook

He shifts his eyes on them waiting why they look like they're going to talk to him. Jackson has his hands on his lap, rubbing his palms on the fabric of his pants. He look nervous while Namjoon is smiling suspiciously. Eyes on his friend

"Dad? I heard Mr. Wang that he needs your help? So i thought you both take it in your office"

"Huh? Ahm, yeah! Actually he needs my help to tell you something, right Jackie"

Jackson is back at rubbing his nape before he speaks
"I.. i need.. i mean you need to know about me" he stutters and look at his friend to help him explain

"Oh, what is it? Dad?"  He turns to look at his side. He holds his hand and look at his friend again

"Son, you already know that I'm not your biological father and i know, somehow you want to know who is your real father..."
Namjoon holds him with both hands and look at his friend again, encouraging him to continue his words. Jackson take the hint and take a deep sigh

"I..  I'm your, im your real father, I'm your Dad" Jackson stares at him and Jungkook knows he is quite serious, his eyes instantly has unshed tears that makes him eyesight blurry

He pull back his hand to wipe it but Jackson is fast to kneel on the floor, leaning a hand for him to wipe his son's tears

Slowly his words sinks in and look at the man infront
"Is that.. is that., True? Is it you? My real father?"

Jackson nods, he feels his cheeks wet. He's crying without realizing it. He nods softly. Jungkook leans forward to have a hug. The first ever hug from his real Dad

Jackson cage him in his arms, hugging him securely. Feeling his back on his arms, he even thought that he can feel his heart beat on his chest

"My son"

"Dad... Daddy"
He sniffs, whispering on his shoulders

Namjoon wipes a tear just by watching them. He sees his friend feeling relief that finally, Jungkook knows who is he in his life

"I have a father... I thought, i thought my father doesn't want me that's why Mom hide this from me"
He pull back and look at his known father. Namjoon smiles at him

"I didn't mean that Dad didn't treat me right, I'm just saying.... I really thought she married may father for me to have a father to look up to becoz ... Or maybe she doesn't know?"
Jungkook pull back from the hug and look at his two father

Namjoon put his hand on his shoulder
"Stop thinking about her, as much as we hate her for all the things she did to us, we can't change a fact that she's still your mother. If only she's been a good mother to you"

Jungkook nods understanding what Namjoon meant. He finally smile but tears continue to fall and Jackson wouldn't get tired to wipe it for him

"I.. i want to see Tae, I want to tell him.. i want to introduce you to my boyfriend"
He giggles but can't look at him, he doesn't know if he will agree to their relationship but who is Jackson to get in between them when all he wants is to give everything for him, to support him, he will be a loving and understanding father for him

"Of course... I would like to meet him but for now let me spoil you. I want to celebrate. I want to be with you and make a special day becoz it's a special day for me.. to know that i have you. My son"


I want to end this already 🥲
I miss taekook! I miss them so much!! Ive been watching run bts and lots of videos of them. Babybear! I'll wait for you! Take care 😭😭😭😭😭

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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