chapter 22

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"dad? Are you here?" I ask before knocking again on his door. I just came home and search for my dad.

I've been calling his phone after i left from our dinner with Tae's mom and Yoongi hyung, we ate so much and we had so much fun. Minjae, Jimin and Hoseok take their leave right after dinner saying they still have homework to finish and i feel tired but Tae said its okay if i cant gave him a ride home, he's with his mom after all.

he didnt answers my call till it got disconnected and im a little bit worried now, they might had a fight with mom and now i have no idea where he is.

I open the door of his room seeing no one is there. The bed is neat. There's no sign someone's been here for a while

So i try again to call his phone and finally he answered it

"Dad? Where are you? Its late!" Im walking out of his room when i hear a loud music from the background and someone is sighing deep

"Hey, we are here at the bar just across your building" the man on the other line said giving their location

"Hello? Who is this? Is there something happened to my dad?" I asked worried to the man on the other line

"No, he's fine.. just wasted. Im his friend Jackson. Remember me? You're Jungkook right? Can you help me with your dad. I can get use a hand you know. Your dad is quite bigger than me" he chuckled

" Yeah, I.. of course. I'll come help you with dad.. I'm on my way" and i cut the call.

I come running downstairs. Get in my car and go to the location where he is tho I'm a little bit confused. This is the first time dad got so drunk that I need to get him from the bar. Why he got himself drunk and wasted in a bar with a friend? Im just hoping everything is fine with him. With the business and the company.

I came to the bar and park my car, I look around to find them when someone calling my name

"Jungkook! Here!" A man name Jackson shouts. He's carrying dad by holding his waist and arm around his shoulder trying to hold him upright while dad looks like sleeping, heads down leaning slightly to his chest

I hurriedly walks up to them to help him carries dad. I put his other arm around my shoulder guiding them towards my car

" What happened to him? Dad? Dad? You stinks! Why he have to drink this much?!" I ask Jackson expecting him to answer me

"He just called me saying he wants to celebrate, I came to that bar and he's already in there taking his first shot saying he's so happy. He was saying the results came and he's sure that it's not fake. That he is his son. Something like that, i never saw him this happy.. and I'm very happy for him too"

"A son? He have another son aside from me? Or is it me? he got me tested?"

"I really don't know, i dont even understand all his blubbering.. ask him when he wakes up but i think its you he's talking about. You're his only son right? That is what i understand" Jackson laugh awkwardly

But he look suspicious to me.. he must be hiding the truth.. and why dad would take my sample to make a test out of it? Does it means he's not sure if I'm truly his son? And now that he's sure, he celebrated it with this man? He's happy that's why he buys things for me and now he can't talk to me properly. I have to wait till tomorrow to know the truth

I help him to put dad at the back seat and offer him a ride but he declined saying he got his car and he's sober enough to drive safely

"Thank you again Mr. Jackson for looking out for my dad. Drive safely" i bow at him and he smile

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