chapter 15

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Taehyung runs to reach his room fast, he cant hold it anymore! He needs to let it out so after he open his door, he go straight to his bed face in his pillow and scream at top of his lungs tho it muffled his voice anyone passes by in the corridor can still hear him inside

Chest pressed at the softness of the sheets, legs in the air wiggling

He cant believed Jungkook have feelings for him. He's having a crush on him since the day they met but didnt expect he would actually confessed to him, if jungkook only knew how many times he wants to do the confessions 

But he let it slide everytime, he thought its no big deal if he would know it or not

But as the days past by thats he's with Jungkook becoz of that damn research project, the only admiration he wants to believe he's having for him got deeper.. for how many times Jungkook caught him staring

He really wished to have some guts to tell him but he's a coward,  insecurities eating him alive, seeing how cute and beautiful people flirts with jungkook at the uni, he's no much to them

well who wouldnt? He's so cute, handsome, kind and thoughtful. I even thought to confess first but I'm afraid of rejection.. he's newly transferred but he got a lot of admirers already.

He is popular too but oblivious of the fact that he hold the most handsome face in the campus

not realizing that Jungkook have his eyes fix only for him and worst he thinks everyone is beautiful except him...

Jungkook and Taehyung. Both have ridiculous insecurities

after a lot of awkward moments in the cafe, they decided to go home, just like Jungkook said to Yoongi hyung,  he drop Tae at home.

He cant look at Jungkook out of embarrassment, they having mutual feelings and for a moment he thought if this really happening but Jungkook continued telling him how he filled his thoughts the whole time from the time they met till now

He needs to call his friends! He dialled making a video call in their gc and waiting for Jimin and Minjae to pick up their phones


I cant feel my feet while walking going home, i felt like floating out of happiness, i just confessed my feelings on my crush and got a chance to date him.

I'm dating Kim Taehyung!

I look down blushing, thinking what i just did.

I really did it, i thought im going to faint when Tae agreed to have a date with me

I have a chance to date my crush though im not sure how to impress him? how to be romantic? does Tae wants a romantic guy? or just be cozy and comfortable?

All of this is swirling inside my head and feeling giddy

I'm in so much relief that taehyung knows what ive been keeping all this time.

Finally i let it out of me and hoping things will be going well and maybe i got a very lucky day coz the moment i entered the house, my dad is in the living room

dad seem just got home minutes ahead of me.. he's sitting on the couch reading something important on his phone

I need his free time to do the part of the research project

"Where have you been? I thought to get home early and get you.. we will going to buy that bike" Namjoon said without even looking at his son that seem so happy at the moment

"Good evening dad you saying something?" I ask dazed in so much happiness

"I said we're going to buy that bike now, i had talked to my friend and he said he will wait for us" he nudge me in my arm to make me look at him

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