chapter 17

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Jin is in his room arranging his things when his son walks in.. his cabinets and drawers are open showing all his albums and some notes, tae come near it and take a look at it one by one  while jin is busy cleaning the top drawer, a note fell between the albums

Tae saw it and pick it up, he reads the note loud and jin heard him...

"What are you reading tae?" He walks to him and take a look of the paper

"Where did you get it?" He ask again

"It fell on one of the albums, maybe its hidden in between" tae said still holding the piece of paper

"This is good mom, you wrote it?"

Jin get it from tae's hands and take a good look at it... He reads it carefully when he realized its the copy of his single that he record but never got the chance to be released instead something happened and his retirement got announce earlier than expected

"All of this years its here! hidden from me! I thought i lost it!" He got emotional holding the paper

" Can you sing it for me mom? I think its really good! You can play it for one of your events in the company, your collection will come out real soon right?"

" Yes, it a good song but i will think about it if I'm going to let this song to be heard in that event"

" If you decided to play it, can i do the honour to sing it? I've been writing songs mom and i not sure if its good"

" Really? You want to be a singer too?"

" Maybe? If its given a chance?" Tae smile shyly

" Maybe we can arrange that... Let me see, what about an event of the company that you and i can sing, what do you think? I'll tell this to your Yoongi hyung" jin excitedly said

" That will be great mom!! I'm excited!  I'm looking forward to it"

" Son, you know the company will be yours in the future right? All of this will be yours." Jin suddenly said

" I know mom but why you saying that? Im too young to handle that"

" I've been thinking to train you for this.. maybe you can start while you having college?"

" Wait mom,. I just started college and one more thing mom, Jungkook just asked me to date him" tae said looking everywhere but not to his mom

" He asked you to date him? When? Does he proposed already?" Jin ask shocked but happy at the same time for his son

" Ahhmm, yes mom and we will be having our first date tomorrow?" He fidget his finger, not sure coz till now Jungkook didn't confirm it, he said he will message him first if all is ready

" Okay, I want to meet him again if ever he's going to pick you up"

" Yes mom!"

Taehyung lay on his mom's bed planning to take a nap.

His mom continue to clean his drawers and taking mental note to not forget where did he keep the copy of the precious song

Tae woke up from a message from Jungkook saying he will pick him up tomorrow at 10am. He smile walking out of his mom's room to prepare his dress for his date


Namjoon is having his coffee while reading some documents when his secretary came with a contract in hand, he have to review it before sending it to jin and start the collaboration

There's so much to do, the making of the dress, the fashion show the advertisement and everything this thing will surely make him busy again for months

His phone rings beside a bunch of folders on top of his table and he saw right away who's calling, his investigator have some news for him

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