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Taehyung seems off around namjoon and Jimin notice it so he wants to talk to him in private. He knows his best friend. Taehyung is terrible when it comes to lying and he wants to know why he's pretending not having any recollection about the father of his boyfriend

The others agreed to go in the canteen while others need to go home. Jungkook wants to stay but he needs to be in his room upon his doctor's advice while waiting for permission for him to stay at his boyfriend's room for good

Jimin took the opportunity and choose to stay closing the doors for them and Taehyung knows he will ask alot of questions now that they are alone

"What's wrong?" Jimin said before he sits on the bedside

Taehyung looks at him surprised from that question
"What do you mean what's wrong?"

"Why are you pretending that you didn't know Mr. Kim Namjoon and dont tell me you cant remember him! I know! From the way you were looking at him, i know youre observing him and what for? Why are you lying?!"
Jimin put a hand on his shoulder telling him that he will help him whatever he is worrying about

"Chim!" He pauses and breath deeply

"Youre right... I do remember him, but i'm afraid. I love Jungkook and I'm so happy that we both survived that accident but what if his dad just waiting for us to be okay, to be discharged in here just to tell us we can't be together, becoz we both have the same father... I'm afraid jiminie! What will i do if that happens? At least now he's being considerate of our condition.. he's not taking away my jungkookie" he covers his face with his palms and cries his heart out. Jimin can tell his friend is afraid

"But why didn't you ask him now instead of pretending you can't remember him? He seems to be hurting every time he looks at you knowing you can't remember him, he looks truly worried mostly to you"

"i don't know Jimin, i dont know what to think every time he's here to check on me.. but what if he's truly my dad? what will happen to us, i dont like Jungkook to be my brother. If that happens i would likely go abroad than to stay here and watch him leave me"

Jimin gives him a hug becoz he doesn't even know what to respond to that. If that happens to him, he also doesn't know what to do to his life knowing his love is his brother

"Does Jungkook know? What did he say?"

Taehyung shakes his head wiping his tears "i.. i didnt tell him yet and he's not telling me anything too. Maybe he forgot about that when it's the main reason why we run away"

"Taehyungie.. I'm sorry, i really dont know what to say but I'll pray for you and hopes whatever you're worrying about is not true"

"I hope too chim.. i really hope so. Foe now i just want to enjoy the days while recovering from this accident"

The two share a hug unknown that is someone's listening to their conversation, Jungkook stays in the door sitting on the wheelchair, he slightly opens the door enough for him to listen, he didn't meant to eardrops on them but he's worried for him too, Taehyung is right. He forgot the first reasons why they run away and now that remembers it through his boyfriend, he himself will talk to his father about it and hopes Namjoon will tell him the whole truth


Yoongi offer a handshake while smiling at the man in front of him, Jackson is beyond happy to help for the capture of Hayoung Sah. It's fair enough for her to face all the consequences for her wrong doings. All of her lies need to be corrected as she will answer all of it while facing all the criminal charges against her while Namjoon together with Jackson and Jin will make sure she will pay for all her sins she made to destroy a wonderful relationship between them

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