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Jin is having a good morning with his bestfriend Yoongi talking about the collaboration in his office..the contract came last week signed by Namjoon, he signed it after Yoongi finished reading it

He need to start the preparation for the fashion show for next month. The advertisement and hiring of new models for this collections is on going in the moment

Yoongi suggest to hire Taehyung to be one of the models, he suggested his friends to be part of it too if they are not busy on their studies, he's suggesting to hire them for part time job as models, in all fairness they are all good looking.

Jin agreed but he wants to get his son's opinion about this first than to make decisions in behalf of him.

He must not forget to ask him what happened on his first date. 2 weeks past when its all happened and Taehyung seems very happy since. This is the first time his son's date someone and he wished his son's love life is nothing like what he experienced with Namjoon..

Taehyung is still sleeping when he got out of their house.

He start to stress out about the collection, they were doing the quality check in every dress, there's atleast 10 mannequins infront of them and they are checking all the details.

This part of the work Jin is very strict, he wants everything in proper place accordingly

Yoongi always in his side reminding him to relax once in a while just like now.

"Jin, it's already 2pm, you dont have plans to grab some lunch? I'm starving"

"Let me finish this first" he said without looking flipping some papers to draw and write some notes for the designed department

"That can wait! Im going to order some food? Do you have something you want?" Yoongi leans on his table looking on his phone to order

"Anything will do Yoongs"

"Okay, I'll order pasta, aglio olio, lasagna and pesto"

And he start to type on his phone

I get my phone to call my son...

" Hello, Tae.. where are you?"

" Mom, I'm going there to do some homework and maybe learn? I'll start my training to learn about business"

" Okay your hyungie order something to eat, we'll just going to have our lunch now, we'll going to wait for you, see you later" I'm going to cut the call when he said

" Mom, i ah... Im with someone, i mean.. Jungkook will be with me later? "  He shyly say the last part

"okay, I would like to meet him... Again!" I tease him

"Mom, please be good to him, he's nice and treats me good, he take care of me and..... "

" Of course honey! I'll be nice to him, dont worry to much okay? Im just kidding.. I'll like to ask him something personally" i giggles

"Mom, dont scare me like that, i know when you're serious and I really like him mom" he whine

" I know, Yoongi informed me about him, and i wonder why he met him more often than me?" I raise my eyebrows about that even he doesn't see me

"I didn't intentionally do that mom, just happens"

"Yeah i know why you're so defensive about this, just come okay? And if possible come with jimin and minjae too, your hyungie have a proposal for them" i smile thinking about the fashion show

"Yeah mom, I'll tell them, bye for now.. see you later. Love you!"

"Love you too sweetie. Take care okay!"

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