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It wasn't Chanhee's fault- it really wasn't. How was he supposed to know that Hyunjun's foot would have gotten stuck, leaving the poor boy with no choice but to amputate that leg. All they wanted to do was play on set as they practiced for their concert.

No one expected it to turn out like this. Hyunjun, their little dancing machine was especially heartbroken as he couldn't dance anymore or be with the group. All because of that stupid accident. Chanhee was especially guilty- it wasn't good for his heart.

He apologized so much times and cried thousands of tears but no matter how much times he does, it would never bring Hyunjun his leg back. Hyunjun never blamed Chanhee, no. Hyunjun assured the older that he wasn't responsible for what had happened.

I can't say the same for the other members... Kevin, Juyeon and Jacob seemed to be the only ones who don't hold a grudge against the vocal. Eric and Haknyeon too do not but they still blame the older, only a little. But the others, they blamed Chanhee for everything.

The group's former dynamic, all came crushing down that moment. The moment Hyunjun left the group, so did the members' love for Chanhee. They hated the boy for letting that happen to Hyunjun. They resented him. It wasn't good for his heart.

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