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Saying goodbye isn't an easy task, especially if you're saying goodbye to someone you love- whether that be romantically or platonically. I never had to say goodbye to someone I was close with, if you don't count my great grandparents.

I was young then when my great grandfather died. I remember him slightly but not enough to be super affected when he passed. But I do remember having to say goodbye to one of my best friend who was moving schools.

She was moving to a school that was 2 and a half hours away from our original school and I was really going to miss her. I remember crying because I knew that I wasn't going to see her frequently anymore. We still chat but it still hurts when she left.

Even so, I know she's still there. The Boyz on the other hand, I can't imagine how hard it was for them to say goodbye to someone they have been friends with for years. And this isn't a see you soon goodbye, it was a forever goodbye.

They would never get to see Hyunjun smile, laugh, talk, walk, dance, or do anything anymore. He was gone and he would never come back. After this surgery, they can't talk to him anymore, they could only talk to his grave.

Of course, there was a silver lining to all of this. There was always a silver lining to bad things. It may not over weigh the bad experience but there was always the underlying good thing that happens whenever something bad occurs.

The Boyz may have had to say good bye to a former member but, they get to keep a current member alive. The members now had a second chance to make everything right, for their sake, for Chanhee's sake, and for Hyunjun's sake.

Hours have passed and yet, it felt like an eternity. Seconds felt like minutes while minuted felt like hours- all 10 members plus the three managers waited anxiously as they waited for any updates from the doctors.

"I'm sorry for your lost," was the first this the assistant surgeon said once she came forward to the group. The members bursted into tears, thinking of the lost of their friend. "Mr. Choi is being monitored before being moved to rest."

She told them that the surgery seemed successful and all they had to do was wait to see how Hyunjun's heart would react with Chanhee's body. They had to monitor to see if Chanhee's body will accept it as a new organ.

As the members were in tears, they couldn't help but feel grateful that Chanhee has a new chance in life. They were grateful that Chanhee gets to live long enough for them to make it up to him for all of the horrible things they've done.

"What do we do about Hyunjun?" Kevin brought up the topic that no one seemed to wish to talk about. It may come off as a shock but with how worried they all were about Chanhee, they have forgotten that Hyunjun was the one giving up his life.

The managers wanted to be able to answer the boys's question but they, themselves do not know. "Do his parents know?" Sunwoo suddenly spoke up. "They know, Sunwoo-ah... They know..." The maknae line manager tells him.

"I already miss him." Haknyeon sobbed onto Jacob's shoulder, who patted his head in comfort. He never specified who who was. "I just hope that Chanhee's safe." Juyeon whispers under his breath. "I- I do too..." Sangyeon whispers. "We all do."

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