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"Good news!" Was the first thing Hyunjun said when he rolled up to the room. "We found a donor! He's a match!" He tells them. Chanhee, Juyeon, Kevin, and even the '98 liner manager stared at the younger in shock.

(A/N: Roll up to the party- oops wrong group)

The 2 month vacation period was almost over- only about 2 and a half days left. Of course, the two active members of The Boyz chose to spend that time visiting their favorite person in the world- Heo Hyunjun. I'm kidding, it's Choi Chanhee.

"What? How? When? Huh?" Hyunjun smiled widely, though it seemed a bit forced. "The doctor told me before I arrived. Thank me later." Chanhee motioned for someone to help Hyunjun up to his bed for him to hug him.

Chanhee hugged Hyunjun, sadly not as tight as it normally would since he had wires attached to him and he had no energy. "Thank you..." Hyunjun's wide smile turn into a small genuine smile that made his cat eyes soften.

"Who is it?" Juyeon asks. He and Kevin were very happy at the news. "Uhm..." Hyunjun started to stutter. "We'll- uh- find out on the day itself, i suppose. The donor wanted to keep it a secret before the operation."

That was understandable for the donor to request so Juyeon didn't push any further. "Hyung, have you talked to the others yet?" Hyunjun suddenly asks. Chanhee sighs and shaked his head. "Did they at least ask about you?"

"No one has bothered uttering his name." Juyeon rolls his eyes. "They still don't care." "But they do seem more apologetic." Kevin adds, trying to be helpful. "I think they know that they're finally wrong." "Please, you really believe that?"

Before Juyeon and Kevin could argue, Hyunjun cut them off. "Maybe I should talk to them myself! Make them realize that this wasn't Chanhee hyung's fault." He exclaims as he points at his lonely foot. "Gosh, they're so petty."

Everyone nodded in agreement. "It wasn't Channie's fault that the stairs closed up as you were walking on it." Juyeon says as he caresses the boy's head. "I wasn't even near the controls... I couldn't have pushed the buttons."

"Exactly!" "Speaking of which," The four boys turned to look at the manager. "Have you caught the ones who actually did it?" The '98 liner manager looked startled at the sudden attention but realized they were asking him a question.

The manager nodded but shrugged. Such a confusing answer. "We found out who did it but... We couldn't locate them at the moment." He says. "It was one of Chanhee and Hyunjun's sasaengs that snuck into set and accidentally pressed a button."

The boys looked furious. When will those sasaengs leave them alone? They caused so many problems and were the actual faults of Hyunjun's amputation and for Chanhee and the members's relationship to crumble down.

"They'll be caught soon. Do not worry." Their manager says, which made the boys sigh in relief. They quickly brought their attention back to Chanhee. "Rest well, Chanhee-ah." Kevin says. "We'll visit again tomorrow but..."

The Boyz were starting to prepare for a new album as their vacation was almost over. Once the vacation period was done, they were immediately going to start practicing for the album. "I know you guys will be busy."

"But we'll try our best to make time for you." Juyeon says. "It's fine... But you'll be there when I find out the donor, right? A- And when I have the surgery?" Chanhee's voice got softer when he mentioned the surgery that would change his life.

Juyeon and Kevin nodded. "Boys, let's go now." Their manager says, waiting by the door. "I'll get going to once they leave." Hyunjun says as they said their goodbyes to Juyeon and Kevin. "Bye, Hyunjun-ah." "Rest well, Chanhee hyung."

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