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Juyeon and Kevin returned to the dorms albeit reluctantly, leaving Chanhee and Hyunjun behind. Especially on Juyeon's part, he really didn't want to leave Chanhee's side. Knowing that Chanhee's life was on the line, he didn't want to leave.

But of course, they needed to return to the dorm even though they were on vacation. They may not be needed for any group activities but, they had to make sure that everyone was ok, excluding Chanhee as the company knows what was happening.

The company allowed the two to stay with Chanhee for a week but they couldn't cover for them from the members anymore. "We'll be back to visit." The two said before leaving. Chanhee waved them good bye as Hyunjun opened the door for them.

The way they allowed the handicapped person open the door for them- anyways. Once they left, the only ones that remained in the hospital were Chanhee and Hyunjun. "How are we going to find a donor?" Chanhee suddenly asks.

There was a few minutes of silence before Hyunjun replied, "We're we're trying to figure that out too..." That meant that there was no donor found yet. It was taking longer than expected and Chanhee didn't know whether he should still hold on.

"What if we don't find one? Is it even worth the risk?" Hyunjun glared at the older. "Is it worth- of course, it is worth it!" Hyunjun exclaims. He knows that this was his hyung's insecurities talking so he tried his best not to lash out.

"Think of your family, your fans, us! Hyung, you can't give up!" Chanhee already had tears freely falling from his eyes. "You still have me, Juyeon hyung, Jacob hyung and Kevin hyung. We won't leave you. Don't loose hope."

"But why does it feel hopeless to try?" He whispers. Chanhee was trying his best not to full on sob due to how uncomfortable it was with the breathing tube and because of the pain it would put his heart in. At this point, Hyunjun was crying as well.

The words Chanhee said were filled with hopelessness that made Hyunjun break down with him. He understood that feeling of hopelessness as he felt that when he lost his leg, but never to the extent of willing to loose his life.

"Hyung... Please don't... It hurts..." Chanhee sniffled and wiped a stray tear falling from the younger boy's eye. "I'll try, ok? I'll try for you." Hyunjun grabbed the hand that wiped his tears and placed it on his own cheek.

Moments like this made Chanhee miss the boy even more. When Hyunjun was still in the group, the boy would usually come up to him and hug him as they sleep. "Don't waste your tears on me, Hyunjun-ah." "When it comes to you, it's never a waste."

Be careful with my heart || Chanhee CentricWhere stories live. Discover now