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Chanhee's hiatus went on for half a year. Within that timeframe, he has been stuck in the same routine. Everyday felt the same since he couldn't join his members with their schedules. For him, that sucked, but he needed the rest.

The doctors told him that he needed to rest even after he was discharged from the hospital. The members and the management took that seriously. They only allowed him to practice singing and dancing for an hour or less each day.

He was allowed to dance to get his heart working and to allow him to exercise his body that has been laying down for months but he couldn't do anything too vigorous. Chanhee wanted to do more but he wasn't allowed to do so in fear of overworking his new heart.

When the doctors gave him the go signal to be able to have a comeback with his group, Chanhee was over the moon. He got to dance longer, sing more, and even enjoy the company of his members more.

The preparations for the comeback took about a month or two, with making the comeback, the b-sides, the line distribution, and taking promotion photos. They planned to do everything else first before starting to practice the dances.

Everyone agreed with this plan inorder to have everything settled down before dancing which could overexert Chanhee's heart if they were not careful. They started off slow. The song was energetic in nature but they needed to slow it down for Chanhee.

Each day, a different part of the song was taught in 0.5x speed. Once the whole group got it down, they would progressively speed up the song to it's normal speed but the moment they see Chanhee struggling, they went back to the slow version.

Chanhee wasn't sure if any of the others were annoyed at him because of it but he knew for a fact that he was annoyed. They didn't need to baby him. He was just pulling the group down. At the slightest look of pain, they would baby him.

They finally finished the dance within 2 and a half weeks. Each part was taught and learnt but they haven't tried it together in the normal speed. "Are you sure you can do it Chanhee?" Jacob asks, always the first one concerned with his members.

"Of course, hyung!" Chanhee replies enthusiastically. "I have been practicing to get back to my old self with my old stamina and I think I can keep up." I hope, but that was left unsaid. "EVERYONE! PLACES!" Changmin screams.

The song starts and Chanhee doesn't remember the dance being this hard, then again, it was in the normal speed it was supposed to be in and not slowed down like it was when they practiced it before. He could barely keep up.

There were a lot of high energy parts in the song which does make Chanhee tired but he liked the song. He really missed dancing with them. They took more breaks than usual since Chanhee needed it. He needed the breaks and his members knew that now.

"One more round?" Everyone stared at the boy with wide eyes. "A- Are you sure, Chanhee?" Juyeon questions. "We need to get this song right. I'm fine." He didn't believe it but Chanhee was stubborn. He wanted to do one more round of practice.

"One and two and three and four-" They began their practice once again. Chanhee could feel his heart beat really fast and his breath shorten but he just kept going. "One- Two- Three- and Four!" His breath started to get sharp and ridged.

Everything started to get fuzzy and blurry. The once loud screams of both Juyeon and Changmin as they counted were muffled and the clear mirror suddenly became this awful shade of blurry colors mixed together.

He felt like his head was floating, not a pretty feeling. All of a sudden, the world stop and he fell to the ground. "CHANHEE!" All of the members screamed. The boy couldn't hear them nor did he wake up. "Take him to the hospital!"

Be careful with my heart || Chanhee CentricWhere stories live. Discover now