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As Chanhee promised, he and Kevin were practicing at the moment. Vocal practice has always been fun for the two of them, especially since they were vocals. "Channie.. I haven't gotten to ask you if you were alright." Kevin suddenly says.

Chanhee stopped warming up and looked at Kevin. "What do you mean? Of course, I am alright." Kevin nodded. "I know you are.. in a way. But I mean, emotionally.. Mentally." Chanhee looked around, avoiding Kevin's lingering eyes.

"You seem to have forgiven the others easily. I'm glad they changed- don't get me wrong but Chanhee, you should give yourself time to really forgive them. They didn't care before and now they do? That's too quick for it to be character development."

Everything Kevin said was right even if Chanhee wanted to deny it. He got so caught up with the members finally treating him like a normal human being and caring about him that he forgot about how much they've hurt him.

"It's fine if you already forgive them but Chanhee-ah, they hurt you so much." Kevin placed a hand on Chanhee's shoulder. "At least give them more time to prove themselves to you." Chanhee could feel the wall he built start to break.

He fell on his knees and started to cry. "K- Kevin.. What if they just started caring because I now h-have a p-part of Hyunjun with me?" Kevin kneeled to Chanhee's level and held him tight. "What if this was all a lie?" Chanhee whispered.

All of his insecurities started falling out of his mouth and Kevin couldn't do anything but listen and cry with him. "I'm glad the others are changing but they need to prove that they really change because they realized how wrong they were."

Chanhee nodded. "I too forgive easily and all I could say is, I may forgive- but I never forget. Remember that." Kevin said. "I'm not telling you to not forgive them. I know how much you missed them, especially Changmin and Sunwoo.."

"I'm just telling you to take your time, ok? Your feelings matter. You matter." Chanhee sniffled and gave Kevin a tight hug. "W- we came here to practice and yet, here we are.. crying our hearts out." Kevin laughed and wiped both his and Chanhee's tears.

"Don't get me started. I saw the way you made the others fall for your charms." Kevin gave the younger '98 liner a faux glare. "Hueh?! N- no, I didn't!" Chanhee tried to defend himself but Kevin silenced him with a finger to his lips.

Chanhee tried to open his mouth but Kevin kept his finger firmly on his lips. "Hyunjae hyung, Eric, Sunwoo, and Haknyeon can't look at you without looking flustered. What did you do to them?" Kevin interrogates him.

Chanhee was in denial but still told the Canadian what he did with each of the mentioned members. "They have a crush on you, we been knewed." Kevin says. Chanhee gasps. "No, they don't! Three of those people are dating someone, mind you."

Kevin raised his arms in surrender. "Like that stopped me~" He wiggled his eyebrows making Chanhee shove him. "HEY!" The two spent the rest of the time they were supposed to use for vocal practice, shoving and laughing with each other.

"Don't forget what I told you, ok?" Kevin says for the last time before leaving Chanhee to enter his own room. "What did he tell you?" Juyeon suddenly appeared behind Chanhee, scaring the boy. "JUYEON!" Chanhee scolded him.

At least Juyeon looked apologetic. "What did Kevin tell you?" Juyeon asked once again. Chanhee sighed. "I forgave the others way too easily and perhaps I should.. let them prove to me that they really changed and they actually like me."

Juyeon nodded and ruffled Chanhee's hair. "He has a point but this isn't to make your life harder. We just want you to understand your feelings better." Juyeon says. "I know." With that, Juyeon led Chanhee to his room and left the boy to rest.

A/N: Supposed to be a Nyumoon chapter but it still ends with Junew 😭 I also noticed how easily Chanhee forgave them and now I decided last minute to add (at least try to) a little more drama

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