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Chanhee was sobbing on his hospital bed. He wanted to scream and trash around but with the breathing tube and other tubes attached to him, it was impossible to do so. He cried once the doctor left after telling him the news.

It was around 9 in the morning when the doctor arrived for his rounds. "I have some bad news for you, Mr. Choi.." The doctor began. "Your heart is not cooperating with the medicine we're giving it, I am sad to say." Chanhee just listened attentively.

It wasn't like he could so anything else. "The medicine is not to heal your heart but the medicine was supposed to help your hear last at least until the end of the month... Since it isn't cooperating... Your heart won't last to the end of the week."

"We need to do a open heart transplant as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the week." Chanhee just laid there in silence, taking in every word the doctor said. "You know, you have really great friends." That was... random?

"One of them offered to be your heart donor. It technically isn't allowed but, he was an organ donor and he insisted... This is quite illegal but I understand why." The doctor says. "His name was Hyunjun, if I remember."

(A/N: This is not how organ donors work but, it's a fanfic- let's pretend it is)

Chanhee's eyes widened. What did his doctor mean by Hyunjun offering his heart? Was he understanding this correctly? That Hyunjun was going to... be his heart donor? No. He must mean that Hyunjun was the one who found a heart donor.

Yes... That must be it. "You have a week for your goodbyes... My condolences." The doctor said before leaving the boy by himself. As the doctor closed the door, Chanhee bursted into tears. That brings us now to the present.

He couldn't understand why Hyunjun would do this to himself. For him? He doesn't deserve it. Hyunjun was being selfish for willingly giving up his life just for a dying boy. Why was he willing to give up his life for someone that doesn't want to live?

Chanhee already gave up in life, losing the only thing that made his life worth living- his members. The moment they started hating him, he slowly lost the will to live. There was a sliver of it still there because of Jacob, Juyeon, Kevin and Hyunjun but..

"Hyung! I'm here." Hyunjun entered the room energetically but deflated at how his hyung looked. "Hyung, are you ok-" "Why didn't you tell me?" Chanhee questions in a monotonous tone. The boy in the wheelchair was confused.

"What do you-" "Why didn't you tell me that you were going to be my donor?" Hyunjun froze in his place. How did he find out? He wasn't supposed unless... "The doctor told me moments ago. Why, Hyunjun? Why?"

Hyunjun just sat there in silence as Chanhee sobbed harder and harder. The boy seemed to never run out of tears to cry. "Hyunjun-" "I'm sorry, hyung." Hyunjun says, sniffling as tears threaten to fall. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you willing to give up your life for me? Why are you willing to DIE for me?" Hyunjun couldn't lie. He didn't want to lie. And though he knew Chanhee wouldn't understand his decisions, he was willing to tell him why.

"I'm willing to give up my life for you because, hyung... It's you. You are worth so much. You have your whole life ahead of you!" "You do too!" "I lost my ability to dance... My whole life revolved around dancing." Hyunjun sighs.

They both stared at the place where Hyunjun's leg was supposed to be. "You still can sing! Your whole life, you've wanted to sing. And I am willing to give up my life for you to keep fulfilling your dreams." Hyunjun says honestly.

The boy then wheeled himself close enough to Chanhee's bed to wipe away his tears. The tears didn't stop coming but Hyunjun didn't stop wiping them. "Please understand, hyung. When it comes to you, everything is worth giving."

Be careful with my heart || Chanhee CentricWhere stories live. Discover now