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He couldn't breathe. He couldn't scream. He couldn't move. He couldn't do anything. Anything Chanhee tried to do would hurt him to the point of thinking he would die. It was the middle of the night and no one was awake to help him.

Chanhee woke up all of a sudden with chest pains. They were little jabs on his heart until it manifested into something greater- more painful. His airway was cut short and he was now in immense pain all over his body, especially his chest.

He tried to reach for his phone but it hurt to even just move. He tried to scream for help, hoping either Jacob, Juyeon or Kevin would hear his cry but he couldn't utter a word. All he could do was pray to God as he laid there in silent pain.

He prayed that God would send someone to come in and see him like this. He prayed that someone would help him. Thankfully, his prayers have been answered in the form of their manager doing his nightly rounds.

Every night, their managers would alternate in doing rounds around the dorm. They had three managers, one incharge of the hyung line, one for the '98 line, and one for the maknae line. That night, it was the '98 line's manager.

"Chanhee!" His manager exclaimed in shock and fear. He picked up the hyperventilating boy and ran to the company's van to drive him to the ER. Though he was in a hurry, he made sure that none of the members woke up from the scene.

The drive to the ER felt like a long one with adrenaline rushing through his manager's body while pain was burning through Chanhee's body. When they arrived at the ER, his manager immediately started to scream for help.

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" It was a blur after that. Chanhee couldn't hear or see anything after that. He fainted right after feeling his almost limp body being placed on a hospital bed, his manager's cries being the last thing he heard.

The boy woke up hours after that. After arriving at 1 am and basically being unconscious the whole time, he woke up around 12 pm. He sees his manager sleeping on a chair beside him and... Hyunjun? "Wh- what?"

Chanhee tried to sit down to see if he was hallucinating seeing their ex-member sitting on the bedside beside him. As Chanhee tried to sit down, Hyunjun carefully pushed the older boy down. "Hyung, don't. Please rest." He says.

Chanhee numbly followed. "Wh- what are y- you doing h- here?" Chanhee manages to spit out even with a breathing tube down his nose. He notices how many wires were attached to his body just to help him live and stay awake.

"Manager hyung called me... He thought I was not as busy compared to the others." Hyunjun says. "I wasn't doing anything and so, he picked me up. When I heard that you were here, I got scared. Are you ok, hyung? Please be honest."

'No- I haven't been ok for a while now.' Chanhee wanted to say. He wanted to be honest but not right now. Instead, he told the younger boy that he was alright, even though it was obvious with the position he was in that he wasn't exactly alright.

"Hyung.. Why didn't you tell me... Tell us that you have a heart disease?" Chanhee froze. "Do the others know? Do you not trust us? Hyung, this is a big deal-" "It's not. I didn't want anyone to know." Chanhee whispers.

Sleep was wearing off and the boy was more awake than before. "Only our managers, Jacob hyung, Juyeonnie and Kevin know about... this. I don't want to be a liability, Hyunjun-ah. I just want to be treated normally."

With that, Chanhee started to sob. Hyunjun held Chanhee's hand as he couldn't get on the bed without assistance. "Hyung, you aren't a liability. I'm sure the others would-" "They hate me." Chanhee says. "They don't care about me."

Hyunjun looked mortified. "That's not true!" "But it is." Chanhee wanted to scream but he forced himself to stay as monotonous as he could. "They blame me for what happened to you. When you left, their love for me left along with you."

"Hyung..." Hyunjun was silent. Chanhee sobbed even harder and sniffled as Hyunjun wiped away some of his tears. "The doctor told us you have a congenital heart disease and it needs to be treated soon or else..." "Or else I'll die."

Be careful with my heart || Chanhee CentricWhere stories live. Discover now