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Hyunjun wanted to talk to Juyeon and Kevin alone- away from the other members and so, Juyeon lead them to Chanhee's empty room. Once the door was closed for privacy, Hyunjun parks his wheelchair in front of Chanhee's bed and sighs.

"What's wrong?" Kevin asks. Hyunjun looked at the two '98 liners and wanted to cry. Whatever news he had for them, it was obviously nothing good. "I- uh... Have something to tell you... It's about the heart donor."

They were silent. The only thing they can think of was that the heart donor backed out and Chanhee doesn't have enough time to find a new one. Hyunjun bit his lip and continued, "I.. know who the donor is..."

Still no reaction. "And you know him... You all know him..." "We... know him?" Juyeon mutters under his breath. Kevin was silent, trying to figure out who it was. "You know him very well actually..." Just then, Kevin gasped.

It seems like he has put the pieces together. "No... No. No. No. No." Juyeon looked over at the both of them in confusion. "What do you mean?" "Don't tell me it's who I think it is?" Kevin tried to look at Hyunjun but the boy ignored his gaze.

"Who-" "I'm the heart donor." Hyunjun finally dropped the bomb. Kevin, whose theory was proven right, fell to his knees and cried while Juyeon, who just realized what was happening, stared at the boy in fear.

Not fear of him, fear of what he what he has to do. "There must be another way!" Juyeon exclaims but Hyunjun shook his head. (A/N: Do you want to stop Snape from getting that stone or not- sorry, wrong fandom)

"There must be! Maybe there's someone else who could-" "Hyung! There's no one else. Just me!" Hyunjun exclaims. "I decided to check if I was compatible and it turns out, I was. I know it hurts but, I have to do this... For Chanhee hyung."

Kevin shook his head, his whole body shaking with tears. "N- no! I don't- I- why must this be so hard?" He cried. Juyeon knelt down and gave the Canadian a hug, trying to comfort him. It was hard to comfort someone when you too need comforting.

"No matter what choice anyone picks... One of them ends up dead." Juyeon whispers, sounding and feeling hopeless. "I'm sorry..." Hyunjun said through tears. As much as it hurts, he would do anything for his hyung. "I'm so sorry, hyungs." He cries.

The two '98 liners stood up and hugged the boy in the wheelchair. "Please don't tell Chanhee hyung yet... I can't bring myself to look at him if he knew..." They agreed, albeit reluctantly. "Is there really no other way?" Kevin sobs. Sadly, there isn't.

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