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It was a Saturday when Hyunjun decided that enough was enough. He was going to talk to the members that hurt his precious Chanhee hyung. He didn't know if the members were practicing or if they were just in the dorm.

Only one way to find out. Hyunjun knocked on the door of The Boyz's dorm and waited for someone to open it. Just his luck, the members seem to be in the dorm at the moment as someone opened the door for him.

"Hyunjun! Come in." Changmin opened the door wide enough for him to enter. Hyunjun gave the older a small smile and entered the dorm with his wheelchair slipping into the doorway with no difficulty. "Hyunjun's here!" Changmin exclaims.

That was enough for everyone (read as the maknae line) to come running towards the ex-member. "HWALL!" Hyunjun grinned slightly and laughed as they crowded around his wheelchair. "Don't call me that-" He glared but ended up laughing.

"What brings you here, Hyunjun- ah?" Sangyeon asked. Hyunjun's happy expression turned serious in a matter of seconds. "Why do you still blame Chanhee hyung? You all know it isn't his fault. Are you guys this petty?"

"Not this again-" "Yes, this again. You guys are unnecessarily blaming someone for something they couldn't control! It wasn't his fault that my foot got stuck and the doctors had to amputate my leg! HE WASN'T EVEN NEAR THE CONTROLS!"

Juyeon stood up as well and started to go off on the other members. "You should all be ashamed of yourselves! What has Chanhee ever do to you? Sure, he's sassy and sarcastic but that's just his personality! You guys went too far."

"He doesn't want pity- he wants you guys to realize how wrong you were for treating him that way and wants your full forgiveness. I hope you could at least give me that." Hyunjun says. The members went silent.

The boy felt a bit guilty for screaming at the members but, they deserve to realize their mistakes. "Who did it?" Younghoon suddenly asked. Hyunjun stared at the older. "What?" "I mean, who pushed the controls?"

Hyunjun stared at Juyeon and Kevin. It was silent before he replies, "A sasaeng fan of mine and Chanhee hyung's..." The guilty members looked amongst each other. "We have to apologize- asap." Haknyeon says.

The others agree but Kevin butted in. "You guys do but not right now." "Why?" Sunwoo exclaimed. "I thought you wanted us to apologize?" The three boys rolled their eyes. Even Jacob wanted to sigh in exasperation even without context.

"He's on hiatus and I don't think it's gonna be good for him if you guys visit..." That was news to them. Jacob has been kept out of the loop so much that even he didn't know this information. "He's on.. hiatus? Why?"

"Manager hyung didn't tell you guys?" Juyeon asks. Sure, he knew of this way earlier than the rest but their manager didn't even inform the others? "No... What happened to Chanhee?" Sangyeon looked especially guilty. "He's fine, just- give it time.."

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