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Jacob wouldn't stop looking down on his phone which made the other members concerned. The whole time ever since the fight, Jacob has ignored the members. It's been a week and not once did Jacob break.

They have reflected on their actions and realized how both Jacob and Kevin were right, they were being petty against Chanhee. It was too quick to stop blaming the boy but, they did realize how it really wasn't his fault.

Juyeon nor Kevin have returned to the dorms since Chanhee walked out. It was obvious that they were with Chanhee but the fact that they didn't inform the members was preturbing. Jacob was visibly concerned, probably because of Kevin.

"Jacob.. Has Kevin of Juyeon texted you yet?" Sangyeon asks cautiously. Jacob wanted to continue to ignore the leader but he was the group's leader, he has to know the general whereabouts of each member.

Jacob's answer was a shake with his head. He was worried about the three of them, especially Kevin as he was his boyfriend. He didn't know what was happing with Chanhee at the moment but all he hopes for was that he was ok.

"Perhaps try calling them?" Younghoon suggests. Jacob stares at his phone and debates. He could call Kevin and ask where he was but at the same time, there was a possibility that he and the other two are resting and he didn't want to disturb them.

After much mental debate, Jacob goes on his phone and calls his boyfriend. Ring... Ring... Ring... Then, the phone gets picked up. "Kev-" "Hyung? Do you need anything?" The voice of Juyeon just confirms that Juyeon was with Kevin.

Jacob clears his throat. "You're with Kevin, right?" A hum came from the other side of the call. "Want to talk to him? He's holding Chanhee, though." The Canadian's mouth formed an 'O' shape and his eyes lit up in understanding.

"Kev-" "Shh.. He's asleep." Kevin whispers into the phone. "How are you, baby?" Kevin asks. "I'm fine. How about you three? How's Chanhee?" Jacob asks, sounding more concerned for the vocalist than his own boyfriend.

The members stayed silent as they listened to the conversation. "He's doing alright.. Right now." "That's good.. Give him forehead kisses, ok?" Kevin scoffs over the phone. "Who do you think I am? Of course I gave him a lot of forehead kisses."

That made the members even more confused. When the phonecall finished, Jacob was bombarded with the same question over and over again. "Why did you let your own boyfriend kiss someone else's forehead?"

"I would have done the same thing. It's Chanhee, he deserves them." Jacob said before retiring into his room. "We screwed up with Chanhee hyung, didn't we?" Eric says. They were going to make it up to him, no matter what.

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