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Jacob and Chanhee were watching a movie together when all of a sudden, Kevin Moon crashed into their not-so-date-date. "Kevin~ Leave~" Jacob whined, failing to push his own boyfriend off of both him and Chanhee.

"No." Kevin says, trying to make his body heavier to ensure no escape. "Kebie~" Chanhee exclaims. The boy may not look like it but he was heavy. They were fully grown men, of course. "Channie~" Kevin replies back.

The movie was forgotten and all they had in mind was kicking Kevin out. "Baby, please leave us alone." Jacob pouted. Seeing the pouts of both his boyfriend and Chanhee melted his petty heart. "Fine~" Kevin whined.

Kevin being Kevin, he sulked like a baby. He acted as if the two boys most important in his life have betrayed him. He acted as if they purposely want him gone, out of their presence. It was all lighthearted banter but still.

Jacob had to promise their own movie night and Chanhee promised to practice with him to get Kevin out of his sad mood. "Now, where did we left off?" Jacob grabs the remote and turns to the TV, only to see that the movie they were watching was finished.

"Welp- time doesn't seem to exist with Kevin in the area." Chanhee laughed at his own joke. Jacob smiled at the laughing boy before laughing as well. "Wanna watch a different movie or rewatch this one?" Jacob asked.

"I don't really care." Chanhee says. "I just wanna watch something." Jacob uses the remote pick a new movie. "How about this? Incantation." Jacob clicks on the movie and waits for Chanhee's remarks. Chanhee wasn't paying attention and just nodded.

Big mistake. The beginning of the movie was already creepy in the boy's opinion. That feeling only multiply once the chanting started. That's when he realized that he had just agreed to a horror movie. The regret he was feeling was out of this world.

"AH!" Chanhee screams. "Chanhee!" Jacob exclaims, shocked and slightly scared at Chanhee's sudden outburst. "Sorry! I just go scared!" Chanhee placed a hand on his beating heart. He could feel how fast it was beating.

"Was the shock too much?" Jacob asks. "We can change the movie if it will make your heart beat too fast." But Chanhee shook his head. He has been slowly training his new heart to make sure he doesn't have to go back to the hospital.

He has been practicing their dances slowly but surely, making sure that he kicks it up a notch to make sure he doesn't get a relapse by the sudden amount of pressure he placed on his heart. So far, this has been going well and he has been able to keep up with the rest of the team.

The rest of the movie was still scary for both of the boys but at the end of the movie, they were in tears. Not scared, traumatized tears- sad, heartbreaking tears. "I thought this was a horror movie!" Jacob sobs. "Why am I finding this sad?"

Chanhee agreed. "Time to check your BP, Heart rate, and everything else!" The sudden change in emotions made Chanhee scoff in disbelief. "I thought you were sad because of the movie?" "I'll be sad if you don't let me check everything that needs to be checked."

Jacob gave the boy a pout. That made Chanhee give in and obediently let Jacob do his job. "'Wanna sleep." Chanhee says. "Then sleep." Chanhee laid his head on Jacob's lap and fell asleep to Jacob playing with his hair.

A/N: In all honesty, Incantation doesn't scare me.. Made me cry sad tears at the end though-

The horror movie that scares the living HECK out of me is Gonjiam Asylum- KUHRFKSEJBFNKAFNKHFDA I AM: TRAUMATIZED

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