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Chanhee returned to the dorm with his manager a week later, after much debate with the doctors. What Hyunjun said about his heart disease plagued Chanhee's mind but he tried to not make it obvious that he was bothered.

"CHANHEE!" Jacob, Juyeon and Kevin ran up to the boy and gave him a big hug. "Hey, guys..." Chanhee hugged them back and gave them his most convincing smile. "Where have you been?" Kevin asks. "No calls, no texts, no notes- nothing!"

Chanhee didn't know how to cover the fact that he was at the hospital but thankfully, he was saved by all three of their managers. "You guys will be preparing for a comeback. Once the promotions are done, you all will have a 2 month vacation."

At the words 2 month vacation, cheers were echoing around the dorm. Everyone was rejoicing. "Why 2 months though?" Changmin couldn't help but ask. Sunwoo glared at the dancer and said, "Do you want a vacation or not?"

Changmin raised his arms in surrender. "I'm just asking. 2 months seems like a lot!" Younghoon just laughed at his boyfriend and kissed his cheek. "Eww.. PDA!" Hyunjae exclaims, teasing his fellow '97 liner along with his boyfriend.

"As if you and Sangyeon hyung don't do that." Hyunjae glared while everyone laughed. It was kept a secret to the fans but there were hidden couples within the group. Those couples were Bbangkyu, Sangjae and Moonbae.

It was quite obvious to the fans but their affection was hidden behind the title of fan service. "Juyeon, can you bring Chanhee to his room?" Juyeon nodded and led Chanhee back to his room which was at the end of the hallway.

Once they got into the room, Juyeon instinctively hugged the boy tightly and sobbed. "What happened? Are you alright? Is your heart alright? Why didn't you tell me something was wrong? Chanhee, tell me!" Juyeon exclaims.

Chanhee cried along with him. "I- I'm alright... For now." Juyeon paused. Everything seemed to be happening too fast for him but he immediately knew what Chanhee was implying. "What do you mean for now? You- no! You aren't-"

"I'm dying." Juyeon sank to his knees and cried. "No, no, no, NO! You are not! What kind of sick joke are you playing? This isn't funny, Chanhee." Chanhee shook his head and just kept repeating I'm sorry over and over again like a mantra.

The slightly older '98 liner held Chanhee close as he cried. "Are you going to tell the others?" Chanhee shook his head. "I don't want to be a liability, Juyeon.." "But-" "We can tell Kevin. It's already too much that you, our managers and Hyunjun know."

Be careful with my heart || Chanhee CentricWhere stories live. Discover now