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Hyunjun had a week's time to say his goodbyes to everyone. He couldn't actually tell the The Boyz members goodbye as they had no idea what was happening. All he could do was spend his last days making the most of it.

His schedule would be a mix of spending the mornings with The Boyz as they prepared for their new comeback while spending his late afternoons with Chanhee at the hospital. It was tiring but most definitely worth it.

Hyunjun was not about to back out nor doubt his decision in giving his heart to Chanhee. Ever since the day they met, Chanhee has had his heart in his hands. As much as the boy wishes they were something more, that could never happen.

As he said, when it comes to Chanhee, everything was worth giving. Juyeon, Kevin and even Jacob would agree with him on this one. Anything the boy needed, they were willing to provide it for him. That's how much they love the boy.

Speaking of the boy, Chanhee was not getting better nor was he getting worse. He was just in a constant state of weak beyond repair. They needed to do the open-heart surgery as soon as possible if they want Chanhee to have a chance in life.

Juyeon and Kevin, true to their word, made time to video call the sick boy. They were too busy to do anything more than that but, they do take the time to update him in whatever they were doing. That made Chanhee smile.

Alas, time is a construct and the day when the doctor asks for Chanhee's consent for the surgery has arrived. Time felt so slow the last 4 days. Both Chanhee and Hyunjun forgot that there was a life changing choice awaiting them.

"Your heart won't last until Saturday," the doctor says that Thursday evening. "Have you two made up your decision?" Chanhee looked offput but Hyunjun was determined. "We'll do the surgery, Doctor. Can it be done by Friday?"

Chanhee looked like he wanted to retort. He really did but he knew that Hyunjun was just going to argue with him about letting him be the donor. "Friday would be a good option to do the surgery." The doctor says.

"There are things you must do to prepare before the surgery, Mr. Heo." Hyunjun listened wholeheartedly while Chanhee sat there quietly, muffling out the sounds coming from both the doctor's and Hyunjun's mouths.

He still and always will not accept the fact that Hyunjun would be giving up his heart- his life for him. Hyunjun has convinced him (even just a little) but that still didn't make the decision of pushing through with the surgery any easier.

"Hyung," Hyunjun says when the doctor left the room. "You'll take good care of my heart, won't you?" Chanhee nodded. "Of course, Hyunjunnie... I'll keep it safe. I'll take care of your heart the way I couldn't do for my own."

What he said had double meaning. He meant it in the literal health sense as his heart has a disease and he wasn't able to take care of his heart properly and that was why it was failing him, and he meant it in the emotional sense.

He will try his best not to put Hyunjun's heart in the same pain and situations he has places his poor heart in. "This puts new meaning to I'm always in your heart, doesn't it?" That did make Chanhee laugh, even just a little.

"This time, it is very much literal." Hyunjun held Chanhee's hand and placed it on his cheek for the last time. "I love you, hyung. I hope you know that." Chanhee felt tears accumulate in his eyes. "I do, Junnie... I do know that."

"It would hurt to loose you..." "But it would hurt more to loose you, hyung." Hyunjun says. "It would hurt me, Juyeon hyung, Kevin hyung, and all of your fans." He was right. "I love you too, Hyunjun." Chanhee whispers. "Thank you."

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