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It was a free day for The Boyz as they lazied around the dorm. They had just finished the last preparations for their new comeback called, The Stealer. The comeback had a stealer concept and had a slight sexy vibe to it.

This was their first comeback without Chanhee and so, they had a hard time filling in the gaps. The members that have been treating the boy badly have been wanting to apologize but Juyeon and Kevin wouldn't allow them.

They wouldn't allow them to visit and talk to him until the boy's hiatus was over. Speaking of hiatus, the members (except Juyeon and Kevin) still have no idea why he was on hiatus. Not even Jacob was given context on why.

As it was a Friday and their comeback was not to drop until the next day, the agency has given them this time off before a heck ton of promotions. As a side not, Hyunjun still hasn't arrived to visit them as he had been doing so for the past few days.

Back to the story, as the 10 boys currently active in the group were lazying around, they have divided themselves into smaller groups. Couples, if you must. Sangjae were paired, Bbangkyu were together, Moonbae were together- so on and so forth.

Juyeon was ultimately paired up with Eric as they all sat on the small living room they had in the dorm. Just as the climax of the movie they were watching was happening, a loud ring from a cellphone echoed through out the dorm.

The sudden ring made everyone jump in their place as it was a horror movie they were watching. "Who's phone was that?" Hyunjae questions, his heart pumping rapidly at the shock. "Oops, it's mine." Kevin admits.

Kevin answered the call. "Hello?" "Hyung, thank the gods you answered!" Kevin's eyes widened as he asks, "Why? Is something wrong? What happened?" Sangyeon caught the Canadian boy's eye as he mouths 'Who is it?'

'Hyunjun,' Kevin mouths back. Juyeon stood up and went closer to hear what was happening through the phone call. "Nothing's wrong... Maybe? Actually, there is? But not exactly?" Hyunjun's words were not making sense.

"What happened?" The other line was silent. "I'll be putting this on speaker, yeah?" Still no reply. Kevin ultimately just placed his phone on speaker for everyone to hear what was happening since Hyunjun wasn't replying.

"Hyunjun? What's wrong, dear?" Jacob spoke up after moments of silence on both sides. There were muffled sounds coming from Hyunjun's side of the call but not loud enough to be distinguishable sounds.

Finally, after what seemed to be ages, Hyunjun seemed to be able to find the words he has been looking for to describe the situation he was in. "Hyung..." Hyunjun paused for the dramatic effect. "It's time."

A/N: I'm sorry my Fellow Tangerines but you're all going to have to suffer with this cliffhanger 😀

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