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Chanhee woke up in the hospital once again. After that argument with Sangyeon, Chanhee left to find their manager and promptly fainted as he opened the door to their office. All three of them were scared when they saw him fall.

The '98 liner manager immediately brought him to the hospital as the other 2 dealt with the members. Juyeon was frantically calling his manager to tell him about the fight but only the hyung line manager and maknae line manager answered.

Chanhee had more wires attached to him compared to the last time. Other than a dextrose and a breathing tube, he had a heart monitor and a feeding tube in as well. He was too weak to even swallow food.

His feeding tube went through his nose and into his throat to get to his stomach. His heart monitor was stuck to his pale chest. His dextrose was placed in his right hand. And his breathing tube was sticking out of his throat.

It was difficult to talk but he could manage. Beside his hospital bed were Juyeon, Kevin and Hyunjun- none of their managers were in sight. "Channie, are you feeling better?" Juyeon asks, seeing Chanhee open his eyes.

"Not really... Hurts 'bit." He says in a breathy voice. As mentioned, it was difficult for him to talk with something sticking out of his throat. "Oh, Chanhee." Juyeon hugged the boy, making sure not to knock off any wires or hurt the boy.

Kevin got up from his seat and stood beside Juyeon. "Jakey and I scolded the members... They're so stupid." That made Chanhee want to laugh but he just settled for a smile. "It's not their fault..." Chanhee says, still in his breathy voice.

"And don't you dare say it's yours. It's not." Kevin immediately cuts the boy off, knowing what he was about to say. "But-" "No buts, hyung. It isn't your fault." This time, Hyunjun was the one who cut him off. "This is not your fault."

Hyunjun points at his amputated leg. He only had his right leg intact after the incident. "I may not be able to dance anymore but, I guess wheelchairs and crutches are cool." Chanhee knew he was saying this to make him feel better.

"I'm still sorry." "As I've said, you don't have to say sorry." Chanhee offered a weak smile but turning it into a frown. "What did the doctor say?" "Jacob's with the other members. I'm pretty sure he's ignoring them or-" "Lee Juyeon."

Juyeon sighed. "We need to find a heart donor that matches you. That's the only way you could live... You've overexerted your heart so much over the years that chemo or normal medicine won't help at all..."

Chanhee wanted to cry. Everything seemed so hopeless. "Is there really no other way?" The three boys sadly shook their heads. "You're on hiatus once the vacation is over. You'll stay on hiatus until you heal." "If I heal."

"No, when you heal. You will live, Chanhee." Kevin says adamantly. "Kevin hyung's right." Hyunjun says. "You will live, I promise." Chanhee sighs but nods. "I love you guys..." The three boys smiled at the sick boy. "We love you too."

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