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Chanhee woke up in an empty room. The room was dark and cold and it made him feel so alone. It was 11 am and yet, no one else was in his room nor were they rapping on his door for him to wake up. He was just alone.

The vocalist's night was the same as before, sleeping alone in a room he has for himself and crying himself to sleep as he gets plagued with guilt. Ever since Hyunjun left the group, that has been Chanhee's nightly routine.

No one cared that he was crying every night. No one cared that he was blaming himself for what had happened. No one cared that the guilt was slowly killing him. No one cared that he was hurt. No one seemed to care about him anymore.

The tears and the pain made his heart work overtime. He was straining his poor heart more than he should. Chanhee knew he should stop and let his heart rest but with all the guilt he had on his shoulders, he would continue to strain it until he had no more tears left.

"Chan?" A knock from the door was heard and in came one of the only members that cared, Jacob. "Come and eat with us..." But Chanhee shook his head and clenched his chest. He just laid motionlessly on his bed as Jacob walked over.

"Come.. You must eat." The older says. Chanhee shook his head again which made Jacob sigh. "I'll get Juyeon to bring you food, ok?" Chanhee didn't say a word. This was a normal occurrence- Jacob trying to coax him into eating.

Every time, Chanhee denies the offer. He doesn't know why Jacob still bothers trying to get him to eat with them. It was obvious none of the members cared about him anymore; he was sure that if he did join them, no one would be happy.

Jacob frowned and left the room with a sigh. Once Jacob left, Chanhee stared at the wall parallel to his bed and clenched his chest as he started to cry once again. 'It hurts... It hurts so much...' After a few minutes, a knock was heard from his door.

It was Juyeon with his food but Chanhee didn't speak up to let him in. "Chanhee-ah... I'll come in, yeah?" Juyeon slowly opened the door and placed the tray of food on the boy's side table. "Oh, Chanhee!" He ran to the boy and held him tight.

Juyeon nearly teared up, seeing his best friend looking so soulless. When Chanhee calmed down, Juyeon grabbed the glass of water he had prepared and made him drink it. "Say ahh.." Chanhee frowned but opened his mouth.

The slightly older boy kept feeding him until Chanhee couldn't eat any more of the food. "You finished half of your food this time. Great job!" Juyeon said, trying to sound enthusiastic. Chanhee looked straight into Juyeon's eyes and broke.

He cried for the nth time that morning and it hurt Juyeon that he couldn't do anything to ease the pain. "It hurts, Yeon.. It really hurts..." Juyeon nodded and shushed the boy, rubbing his arm in comfort. "I know.. Shh... I know..."

Chanhee continued to cry until Juyeon kissed his forehead. "I know it hurts but we're doing our best to help you, ok?" Chanhee clenched his chest and nodded. "You still have me, Jacob hyung and Kevin. We'll never leave you, ok?"

Juyeon whispers sweet nothings to calm Chanhee down. As Chanhee slowly but surely calmed down, Juyeon sighs and says, "Come, we have practice." Juyeon lent a hand to the poor boy who reluctantly accepted. "Let's go." 

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