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"It's time? For what?" They didn't get an answer. The only ones who seem to understand what was going on was Kevin and Juyeon. Kevin bursted into tears when Hyunjun told them what was happening, even with no context.

Jacob was trying to comfort him but the boy just kept crying onto his boyfriend's arms. "I- Is there really no other way?" Juyeon whispers to the phone. "Wait- Juyeon? You understand what's happening?" Sangyeon questions.

Juyeon ignored the older's question and continued to look dazed at the phone. "I'm so sorry, hyungs... I'm just letting you know so that you could get here on time." Hyunjun says. "How's... How's Chanhee doing?"

Chanhee? Hyunjun was with the boy the members desperately want to talk to? What happened to him? Was something wrong? All of these questions and yet, no one had the answers except Kevin and Juyeon.

The other line went silent once again. "Hyung? How are you?" Hyunjun was heard asking Chanhee. They didn't hear his answer but they did here Hyunjun chuckle, though his chuckle was full of pain and sadness.

"You know we have no choice..." No one knows if the boy was saying this to Chanhee or to the other members. Their hearts clenched at the tiny sobs heard from the other line; it was Chanhee and he was trying his best to hid his sobs.

"Can some one please explain?" Sunwoo exclaims in frustration. "Why do you-" "Chanhee hyung is sick." "Hyunjun!" Juyeon scolds the boy. "Don't worry, Juyeon hyung. Channie hyung gave me the go signal to tell them."

Juyeon still looked reluctant but didn't interrupt the boy off anymore. "Chanhee hyung is very sick and... he's not getting better. He has a congenital heart disease and he needs a heart transplant as soon as possible which is today."

"... Chanhee hyung was such a hard person to match with a donor but we succeeded in finding one." Juyeon was no one the floor with Kevin, both were crying as Jacob hugged them in comfort. "Please don't hate Chanhee hyung for this."

"What would we hate him for?" Jacob asks. "It was so hard to find a donor that I... volunteered to be his heart donor. I ended up being a match and so, they're going to take my heart today and give it to hyung."

No one spoke. They didn't know what to say. If the members were understanding this correctly, Chanhee was dying and the only way to save him was for Hyunjun to give up his own heart and in turn... Die as well.

How was this such an easy choice for the young boy to make? "Hyungs," Hyunjun says, directed to Juyeon and Kevin but subtly hinting for the rest of the group. "Chanhee hyung is waiting for you. Please come here."

"O- of course... Of course." Kevin says in a shaky voice. "We'll come immediately." Hyunjun nodded, even though they couldn't see it. "Hyungs... Sunwoo, Eric... Please don't blame Chanhee hyung for this, ok? It was my choice."

Chanhee's little sniffles were heard coming from Hyunjun's phone. "He, himself did not agree with my choice but... I wanted to give him a chance to live. I want him to continue living out his dream as my dreams have been crushed."

"He still has a chance to sing as I have no more chances of dancing. I want you all to realize that this is not nor will it ever be his fault. Please remember that as my last wish. Always remember that you guys were my family and I love you all."

Be careful with my heart || Chanhee CentricWhere stories live. Discover now