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A/N: If any of you study medicine or are part of the medical field, I'm pretty sure the medical scenes in this whole book are quite inaccurate but please bear with me :') I did do some research but I also wanted to add things to make sense with the plot I'm going for-

The doctor reminded Chanhee to take care of his new organ. Even though it seems like his body was responding well to the organ, there may be a possibility of another relapse and the immune system might start to reject the heart.

Did Chanhee understand any of the big medical terms the doctor used? No, but he did understand the fact that he has to listen to his heart because there is a possibility that his body would reject the heart. He needed to take care of Hyunjun's heart.

That was Hyunjun's dying wish- for Chanhee to take care of his heart. The only way Chanhee thought of to take care of the heart was to leave the group but he couldn't bring himself to do so.  It hurt Deobis and the members when Hyunjun left, he couldn't just do the same.

He had a long (and private) chat with the management, talking about his future plans and schedules. The management did bring up the idea of him leaving the group but with the pain it brought when Hyunjun left, they decided against it.

They all came to a compromise where Chanhee would usually be placed at the back of their group dances, covered by the other members so that he doesn't need exert that much energy for their dances. That also made sure that he wouldn't be overworked during practices.

Aside from the management taking care of the boy in the physical and literal sense, they were also busy making sure that news about the real reason of his hiatus. They couldn't really juggle both jobs properly which meant that the members had to help.

Juyeon, Kevin, Jacob and Sangyeon were in charge of monitoring Chanhee to remind him of his limitations. The other remembers did so as well even though they weren't asked to do so. It made Chanhee feel wanted when they did that.

"Channie-ah! Time to check your pulse~" Hyunjae kicked down the boy's door and entered like he owned the place. He didn't literally kick the door down- if he did, he would have to pay for the damages. "Isn't it Jacob hyung's job to do that?"

Hyunjae tutted as he sits on Chanhee's bed. "He's out with Kevie. When he's not around, I'mma do it." He explains as he turns on the pulse monitor. "Why? You don't want me here?" Hyunjae pouts, trying to guilt trip Chanhee.

It worked. "N- no! It's not that- I just- you-" Chanhee pouted as Hyunjae started to laugh. "I'm kidding. I'm kidding." The older ruffled Chanhee's hair. Chanhee pouted and just let the older do whatever he wanted.

Hyunjae was always like this. Teasing the boy to no end but that doesn't mean he doesn't finds it endearing. Sure, he gets annoyed at times but inside, he knows it's all fun and games and he finds it quite cute actually. Not that he'll admit it.

"Where are the others?" Chanhee asks, drinking the cup of water that Hyunjae has also brought for him. "Changmin and Juyeon are practicing. Sangyeon hyung is in his studio. You know where Jacob and Kevin are since I just told you."

Chanhee nodded. "Haknyeon and Eric are in the dining area. Younghoon has a shoot, if I remember. And~ Sunwoo-" Hyunjae snickers. "He's asleep. Dead asleep on the couch after playing video games the whole day."

"Stupid, Sunwoo." Chanhee muttered. That made the older laugh as he removed the pulse monitor from Chanhee's finger and wrote down the pulse rate. "Do you feel anything wrong or weird? Are you feeling ok?"

Chanhee nodded. "Don't worry too much. My heart beat feels normal and I'm not feeling any shortness of breath or anything wrong." Jaehyun nodded and smiled. "I would try to check on your heart beats myself but, I feel like you're telling the truth."

The younger let out a gasp of offense. "Are you saying that you don't trust me?" "Oh- shush." Chanhee giggled. "Jacob will check your blood pressure later when he returns. For now, rest." Chanhee pouted. "Sleep tight."

With that, Jaehyun placed a soft kiss on Chanhee's forehead and left before Chanhee could utter a word. Once the door closed, Chanhee was left in his thoughts. Why did Hyunjae do that? Why is he blushing? And why does that feel nice?

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