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Juyeon took Chanhee out of the dorms to walk around a park near their dorms for a while. He could tell that Chanhee was getting stuffy in the dorms and thought that a walk would help him clear his thoughts and feel better.

Walking was not going to overexert the boy's heart so, it was fine. They told the members that were present in the dorm that they were leaving to walk around the area. "Just walk, hyung. I won't overexert his heart." Juyeon says to Sangyeon.

It took a bit of convincing but the parents of the group, aka Sangyeon and Jacob, agreed to let Juyeon take Chanhee out for a walk. "Cover up and be back before 4 pm, ok?" Juyeon and Chanhee nodded, keeping Jacob's words in mind.

"Want to buy something?" Juyeon asks Chanhee. "I don't think so?" Juyeon raised his eyebrow. "Really now?" "What? I don't want to buy something now~ But, maybe I'd want to buy something later!" Chanhee says.

The older of the two laughed. "Wouldn't expect anything less from you." "I'm offended you even thought anything less of me." Chanhee gave a faux mad glare. Knowing it was all fun and games, they both laughed and continued to walk around.

Juyeon tried not to let his worry obviously show. Chanhee may look fine now- but that didn't stop him from worrying that something bad might happen. He cares about the boy. He cares about him more than the others.

Don't get him wrong, the other care about Chanhee a lot, but Juyeon? Even before their debut, Juyeon has been head over heels for his fellow '98 liner- not that he'd admit it. No one but he was able to make the dancer's heart beat fast.

"Let's go here!" Chanhee suddenly spotted a shop he found interesting and immediately dragged Juyeon along with him to check it out. Juyeon didn't argue with him and just allowed Chanhee to drag him wherever.

Seeing Chanhee smile brightly made Juyeon's heart do flips. He's usually not great at hiding emotions but he forced himself to not look obvious as he stared at Chanhee checking out a scented candle from the shop.

Juyeon would do anything to see Chanhee smile. That's why he never blamed Chanhee for what had happened with Hyunjun. He was always there to comfort the boy whenever he would cry because of the other members.

He would stick by Chanhee's side no matter what. "Let me pay, hm?" Juyeon suddenly offered, taking the scented candle Chanhee was about to buy. He quickly paid it before Chanhee could disagree. "Juyeon~ I could have paid it myself!"

The taller of the two laughed as Chanhee pouted, hand still stuck in the position it was- as if it was still holding the candle. "It's fine. Let's keep walking, ey?" Chanhee glared half-heartedly but offered a hand, which unknowingly made Juyeon turn pink.

"I wanna buy you something since you payed for what I wanted." Chanhee said. "You don't have too-" Juyeon tried to stop the boy but he wouldn't listen. "Take it as a thank you for always staying by my side and never leaving me."

The genuine smile on Chanhee's face made Juyeon stop in his tracks. Everything he did was for this boy and this boy alone. "You don't have to thank me. You never have to thank me." Juyeon says seriously. "I'd do it all again for you."

Chanhee's face turned red and in classic Juyeon fashion, he thought Chanhee was hot or caught a fever. "Are you ok?" Chanhee nodded, swatting Juyeon's hand away. "Let me buy you something, ok?" This time, Juyeon didn't resist.

They kept walking around, trying to find the best thing to get for Juyeon. That was when Chanhee finally got an idea, "Come! Come!" Juyeon had to force the boy not to run to let him save his energy and not tire him out.

"Hello Kitty! So if you see it, you'll remember me." Chanhee says, holding up matching Hello Kitty keychains. Juyeon held the one meant for him. He couldn't help but feel pride and slightly tear up by the fact that Chanhee noticed his efforts.

All of his efforts in hopes of making the boy notice him. And notice him, he did. "Take care of it, ok?" Chanhee stares directly into Juyeon's eyes. Juyeon stared back and nods. "Of course.. I'll take care of it like it were you." That made Chanhee smile.

"Thanks for bringing me out today.." Chanhee thanked Juyeon once the day was over and they had to head back to the dorms. "Of course. Don't thank me for something that's slightly long overdue." They both laughed.

Juyeon opened the dorm door for Chanhee like the gentleman he is. Chanhee raised an eyebrow but took this chance to thank the boy properly. Once Juyeon opened the door a decent amount, Chanhee turned around and did something slightly unexpected.

Unexpected to Juyeon- really long overdue for all of us. Chanhee turned to face Juyeon and kissed him on the cheek, all before running back to his room. Juyeon stood there in shock, trying to comprehend the fact that Chanhee kissed him.

It took him a while but once he finally digested the fact that Chanhee kissed his cheek, Juyeon let out a quiet scream of celebration. He was jumping up and down and throwing his fists up in the air. He was so happy.

Of course, his happiness was cut short when someone suddenly passed by the door on the way to the kitchen. "Hyung? What are you doing?" Eric stared at the older in bewilderment. "Uh... Nothing?" Juyeon replied with a sheepish grin.

Eric raised his eyebrow. "Mhmm... Get inside, hyung." Eric held the door that Juyeon was previously holding to let the older in. Juyeon entered with no arguments. "Mind explaining to me what was that?" "Nah.. It's a secret."

A/N: Wanna know something? Bbangnyu/Bbangnyukyu is actually my main ship- not so obvious because of this chapter/the whole book, am I right? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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