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Time skip to a few months after the success that was their Thrill Ride comeback. After promotions were over, the 11 membered boy group was ready to relax and chill as they had no other schedules to worry about.

They still had work and schedules but not as much and as stressful as when they were promoting. The other members were working twice as hard during the promotions to be able to promote without raising suspicion about Chanhee.

Chanhee did have schedules that don't concern the whole group but these schedules usually had either one other member with him or just a modeling gig that didn't require much movement. Those were the only things he was allowed to do.

Usually he'd have a manager or a member, namely Jacob or Juyeon, accompany him to his shoots and such but right now, there was a conflict of schedules and so, the '98 liner's manager was unavailable, as well as Jacob and Juyeon.

"Can't I just reschedule it?" Juyeon begged but his request was denied. "Younghoon can accompany Chanhee for the mean time." Their manager said. "It would be the best choice since Younghoon knows how to take care of him and he's older."

Jacob has taught all of the members the basics on how to help Chanhee but even though he has, it was usually Jacob, Juyeon and sometimes even Kevin doing everything that needed to be done for Chanhee. Hyunjae had a go at it once but no one else.

"A- are you sure it would be wise?" Jacob asks. He wasn't trying to doubt Younghoon's capabilities but it was Chanhee's wellbeing they were talking about. He has a right to question it. "Absolutely. Younghoon only needs to watch over him from time to time."

Both Juyeon and Jacob wanted to butt in and say how that wasn't the only thing he needed to do but they knew that the management wouldn't hear them out. "Take care." Juyeon hugged Chanhee tightly, not tight enough to cut his circulation.

"It's just one day." Chanhee laughed, but nodded either way. Younghoon was already in the car while a driver was also just waiting for the boy to get situated. "Check his blood pressure, make sure he doesn't do anything physically straining, give him his medicines, don't forget to-"

Juyeon had to forcefully dragged away from the van seeing as he wouldn't stop giving his hyung instructions on what to do for Chanhee. "See you, Juyeonnie!" Chanhee waves him goodbye. Juyeon waved back, still being pulled away from the car.

Chanhee rolled up his car door window and situated himself on the seat. Beside him, Younghoon sat quite stiffly, not a peep coming from him. "Hyung? Are you ok?" Chanhee couldn't help but ask the older as the car started to move.

Younghoon looked like he wanted to ignore the question but he just answered with a simple yeah. Chanhee didn't look convinced but he didn't bother pushing more as he was more focused on his schedule than anything else.

The air was suffocating. The tension was strong enough to be cut with a butter knife- amazing how their driver looked unaffected by the aura. From the corner of his eye, Chanhee could see Younghoon trying to speak up but ending up closing his mouth again.

This continued on until they arrived at the schedule. Chanhee was frustrated with his hyung but he wasn't about to adjust and be the one to speak up. The two of them stepped out of the van, the sick boy having some assistance from their driver.

He didn't need it but extra pre-caution was not deadly. The two Kpop idols waited for the staff to direct them on what to do in silence. Chanhee was used to the silence and so he picked up a magazine. Younghoon looked bothered.

He looked like he wanted to cry, scream, and defecate all at the same time. It was not a pretty sight, not like Chanhee was looking. He really wanted to say something to the boy but every time he opens his mouth, nothing.

By the time Younghoon believed he gathered enough courage to speak up, a staff called on Chanhee's name before he could even blurt out the first word. "Mr. Choi, right this way." The staff led the two boys to the holding area.

Two makeup artists began applying makeup on the boy for his shoot as Younghoon sat on the couch in silence. He watched as Chanhee's eyes fluttered shut while the makeup artists did their thing in making his features even more beautiful and eye catching.

Younghoon watched in a daze as Chanhee's face seemed to glow and sparkle like a vampire from Twilight- something he has only experienced once while watching his own boyfriend get his makeup done the day they got together.

He started to feel guilty. It felt like cheating to find someone else attractive that wasn't his boyfriend- especially with someone they used to hate. It was so hypocritical, it hurt. "Younghoon-ssi, Chanhee-ssi is beginning his shoot. Would you want to watch?"

Younghoon nodded and followed the staff that called him. He was then led to the studio where he was given a chair to watch as Chanhee posed for the camera. With each flash of the camera, Chanhee moved ever so slightly to show a different angle.

Angle spelt differently is Angel, that's what Chanhee looked like. An angel. Younghoon spent the whole day staring at him. He didn't even notice that three hours have passed since the beginning of the shoot and it was time to check Chanhee's pulse.

They were back at the holding area. Both boys didn't speak as the older of the two prepared the machine that would be used to check on Chanhee's heart rate. There were no other staff in the room with them, it was just them two.

"Thank you for accompanying me." Chanhee says in a small whisper. "I know you would rather stay at the dorms." "It's fine, Chanhee." Younghoon says. "I enjoyed watching you model. You did amazing." Chanhee blushed and looked away. Younghoon smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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