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Chanhee was shocked when his hospital door opened to reveal not just the 2 boys he has been expecting, but all 10 members of The Boyz plus the hyung line manager and maknae line manager. This resulted with 15 men in the hospital room.

Both Hyunjun and Chanhee hadn't eaten anything the whole day for preparation for the surgery. "Are you ready, hyung?" Hyunjun asks with a reassuring smile. Chahee shook his head and felt a tear slid down his dry, pale skin.

"I'm not ready to say goodbye..." He says. "I'm not ready either..." Hyunjun relates. "But it would hurt more if it were you who was going to say goodbye." Chanhee disagreed but didn't fight the younger boy about it.

They sat there in silence. "It would hurt just as much if either of us would say goodbye... I wish it wasn't like this. If only I wasn't so sickly-" "Don't blame yourself for something you can't control." Hyunjun says.

Just then, all of the members rushed into the room to be there for Chanhee. They were all cramped in the hospital room but they made it work. "Chanhee!" Kevin ran up to the boy and hugged him as tight as he could with the wires.

"Kevin Moon! Be careful." Jacob scolded the boy but it went unnoticed. That made Chanhee laugh a little but it did make Hyunjun laugh a lot. That brought a smile to everyone's faces, hearing Hyunjun's laugh for what seemed to be the last time.

The poor boy couldn't say anything, staring at all of the members in front of him. "What- what are you all doing here? Juyeon? Kevin?" Chanhee turned to his fellow '98 liners, searching for answers. They didn't have any answers.

"We... Our priority right now is to make sure that you're safe and... to say goodbye to Hyunjun properly." Sangyeon, being the leader, answered his member's question. "We wanted to see if you're ok and... to say good luck."

All of a sudden, Changmin pushed Kevin away from Chanhee and hugged him. The moment Changmin's body touched his, Chanhee started to cry. He missed this feeling; the feeling of being hugged by his old best friend.

The main dancer kept repeating the words I'm sorry over and over again. No one stopped him. He just kept repeating his apologizes until he feels like he deserved to be forgiven. In the logical sense, after what he's done- he shouldn't be forgiven.

But Chanhee being Chanhee, he immediately forgave the boy the moment he willingly hugged him after months. Chanhee hated keeping grudges. He can be petty but, he'd never full on not forgive someone even after what they did.

That was why, without saying, the boy forgave all of the members the moment they willingly came to see him in his hospital room. Sure, a part of him says that they only came to see Hyunjun but Sangyeon said it himself.

They wanted to see the both of them; they wanted to see him. "Please live... I still have to make it up to you." "I'll try..." That wasn't good enough for the boy. "No. You have to live. I won't allow you to die on me."

Everyone nodded in agreement. Chanhee's (emotional) heart melted at the realization that they do in fact, care about him. The doctor came into the room and talked to the managers before turning to the boy group.

After greetings, the doctor gave them the grave news. "It's time." Hyunjun and Chanhee shared a look before being placed on wheelchairs, Hyunjun was already on one but you get the idea. "I'll live." Chanhee said before he was off to surgery.

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