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Sunwoo and Haknyeon were just talking when they both suddenly had a great idea. By great- they mean they were going to find someone older to annoy. Sadly, the only one who wasn't busy was Chanhee. Poor poor Chanhee.

"Hyung~" Both boys suddenly knocked down his door and got ready to jump on the older's bed. Chanhee's head quickly shot up at the sudden screams and propped himself on his chair. The boys didn't seem to see Chanhee sitting there.

They probably thought he was on the bed- who could blame them since there was a figure on the bed. What they didn't seem to realize was the fact that that figure was his pillow covered in a blanket. Stupid boys.

"Hyu- oof!" Sunwoo jumped first with Haknyeon right behind him. Instead of feeling the bony body of their hyung, they fell on top of a soft pillow. "You idiots. Didn't you see me sitting on my chair?" Chanhee suddenly spoke up.

From the door, the first thing you'd see is the foot of the bed. The bed is positioned perpendicular to the door and there was a side table on the left side of the bed. The chair that Chanhee was sitting on was on the far corner of the room.

(A/N: I want you all to try to imagine the room. I know this is making your life hard but I find it funny how I'm trying to explain the room-)

"Nope!" Chanhee sighs and sits on his bed beside the younger boys. "What do you two want?" Haknyeon smiles and Sunwoo grins. "To annoy you." They coursed. Chanhee rolled his eyes but expected it honestly. It is to be expected with Sunhak.

Chanhee groaned. "Why can't you to just practice? Or even play video games with Eric." Haknyeon was about to shrug and leave to do just that but Sunwoo pulled him back before he could leave their poor victim.

"Nope! We want to annoy you." Sunwoo grins. "Plus, no one else is here meaning, we are the ones in-charge of taking care of you." Oh, god. "One day- One day, I'll die and not because of my heart, but because it's you two taking care of me."

Haknyeon let out a dramatic gasp while Sunwoo faked fainted. "How could you say such a thing!" Haknyeon exclaims. "We're responsible enough." Sunwoo nodded, backing him up. "Yeah, and this heart isn't Hyunjun's."

They were silent at first. "That heart is now yours. It's both yours and Hyunjun's.." Haknyeon says. Sunwoo looked like he wanted to say something but nothing came out of his mouth. Chanhee noticed this and quickly changed the topic.

"What do you boys want to do? I don't mind anything." Chanhee asks. "Eat!" "Play!" They both said at the same time. Realizing how their ideas overlapped each other, they glared at each other, daring one or the other into backing down.

"Yah! We can do both." Chanhee quickly buts in before a fight could escalate. "We can eat outside then we can play whatever Sunwoo wants to play, how's that?" Haknyeon and Sunwoo agreed to the plan and waited for the older to get ready.

Haknyeon got to choose where to eat, which was a simple Chinese restaurant not far from the dorms. It was spacious, has a variety of food, and isn't smokey like a Samgyupsal place so that Chanhee can enjoy it without having a coughing fit.

Sunwoo on the other hand, wanted to play volleyball but instead chose Tennis- less exaggerated movement. "I hate you." Chanhee chokes out as he plays against Sunwoo. He knew his limit so, whenever he feels overexerted, he swaps with Haknyeon.

"Love you too." Sunwoo says without thinking. When he realized what he just said, Chanhee was snickering from behind his hands while his own boyfriend was laughing at him. "Haknyeon- love you too, Haknyeon." Sunwoo tried but failed to save himself.

"Sure~" Both older boys teased him.  Sunwoo kept on trying to brush it off but they just keep teasing him over and over again. "Never again." He mutters. "Never again am I going to hang out with the both of you." He lied.

Haknyeon rolled his eyes. "So no more dates?" Sunwoo looked at his boyfriend. "I- I give up." Haknyeon continued to act petty as Chanhee kept laughing. "Did you enjoy, hyung?" Haknyeon suddenly asked the older.

Chanhee nodded. "I think I enjoyed it a bit too much." He sniffles a laugh as he looks at Sunwoo's direction. "Thank you, boys." Chanhee gave both of them a hug and entered his room. "The Chanhee charm~" Jacob suddenly says from behind.

A/N: I feel like I over did this chapter- 😀

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