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"Chanhee hyung! Do you wanna see something?" An overexcited Eric practically skipped into the boy's room. Chanhee, who was just cleaning his room up, turned around and motioned for the youngest to take a seat on his bed.

"And what is this something exactly?" Eric grinned and placed his semi-dirty feet on the bed. Chanhee didn't have the heart to tell him to put down his feet. Get it? Because his heart isn't his and is actually Hyunjun's? ... Never mind-

The maknae took out his iPad and started to play something. The song began with some guitar strumming then he heard Eric's catchphrase 'Wait, yes here.' Through out the whole song, Eric stared at the older to monitor his reaction.

He always whispers the phrase that Chanhee wasn't that sure if 'Wait, yes here.' was the actual phrase. Chanhee didn't even understand English which was also an added factor. Regardless of that, the iconic catchphrase made him hooked to the song.

Chanhee was swaying his head during the duration of the song. His smile never wavering as the sound of Eric's voice was heard through the iPad. "What title were you thinking?" Eric shrugged. "Maybe O.M.W or something. I'm not too sure."

"I like that title." Chanhee nodded. "Then maybe I should keep it that." "Yes!" Chanhee grinned. "Is that all you plan to show me or do you wish to do something else?" Eric raised his eyebrow. "Are you willing to join me with whatever I'm planning to do?"

Chanhee nodded. "I'm really bored. Everyone else won't allow me to do anything and I'm kind of hoping you would make an exception for me." Eric grinned and shook his head violently. "I wanna play video games! Video games!" 

Chanhee laughed as Eric dragged him to the living room. The both of them started playing every single video game Eric had in stock. Chanhee was never one for video games but at that moment, he was happy to be playing. He actually enjoyed the thing he used to hate.

To make it easy for Chanhee to learn, Eric chose to play Mario Cart. The boy taught Chanhee how the game worked and which button on the controller does what action. After the first 2 rounds, Eric left him alone to fend for himself. Wrong decision. 

"No- you do this!" Eric taught Chanhee how to play a game once more. Chanhee tried to copy him but failed miserably. At least his failed attempts made Eric laugh. "I'm sorry, I'm useless when it comes to games." Chanhee pouted with faux sadness. 

"It's fine, hyung! At least it was fun, right?" Chanhee smiled. "You're right." Eric squealed when Chanhee ruffled his hair. The two kept on playing nonstop. They did temporarily paused to check on Chanhee's pulse, blood pressure, and all that. 

"Chanhee! It's time to rest." Jacob suddenly entered the living room and told Chanhee to rest. "But, hyung~ I've practically been resting the whole day since I've just been sitting on the floor the whole time." Chanhee pouted sadly.

Jacob seemed to go soft for a moment before remembering why he was scolding the boy. "You still need proper rest. Now, stop playing and get to bed." Jacob smiled softly as Chanhee got up and hugged Eric goodbye before heading back to his room.

"You're quite red, Eric-ah." Jacob laughed. "Huh- What- No- I-" No matter how much Eric denied it, Jacob could still see the effects of Chanhee's hug. "Chanhee has that effect on everyone. It's only a matter of time before you fall for his charms."

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