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"Gosh! You really are hopeless at dancing!" Chanhee flinched at the booming voice of Changmin as he kept scolding him for not keeping up with the group. Dancing was never Chanhee's forte, but he was trying his best.

It seems like no one but Chanhee could see that he was doing everything he could to keep up. "WE HAVEN'T EVEN BEEN HERE FOR 2 HOURS AND YET, YOU'RE TIRED ALREADY?" Chanhee clenched his chest, trying not to cry.

"WHY CAN'T YOU KEEP UP? ARE YOU THAT LAZY?" Changmin finished his angry rant with a glare. The other members looked just as annoyed at Chanhee as Changmin. Especially the maknaes as they were all tired from doing it over and over again.

Kevin came up to Chanhee and placed a comforting arm around his shoulders. "How about we take a break, hm? The maknaes seem tired already and we all need a break." Changmin continued to glare at Chanhee but agreed.

"5 minute water break!" Changmin exclaims. The maknaes looked relieved and immediately ran to their water bottles and drank from it as if they had never drank water in years. Meanwhile, Kevin brought Chanhee to their small group.

Jacob, Juyeon and Kevin huddled around Chanhee, shielding him from the members just as he burst into tears. "Shh.. Don't overexert yourself..." Jacob whispers comfortingly. Chanhee shook his head and continued to silently cry.

"What's the point of me being in this group when I can't even dance? Hyunjun should be here, not me-" "Don't say that." Kevin cuts him off. "Don't you dare say that. We all love Hyunjun like a brother but we don't want you in his place."

"You both mean so much to me- to all of us!" Chanhee buried his face on Kevin's shoulder. "Don't think like that, Chanhee-ah. We love you, ok?" Juyeon says, hugging the boy by his side. Chanhee kept shaking as the 3 hugged him.

"It's just so hard not to think like that..." Chanhee manages to say just above a whisper. "It's so hard when everyone reminds me of it." That made the others tear up as well. It hurts to realize how broken he felt everyday because of moments like this.

They may not want him in Hyunjun's place but the others seem to think it must be better if that was the arrangement. The other members of The Boyz made their dislike for Chanhee as obvious as the day which hurts even more.

Ever since the day Hyunjun left, no one (other than the three boys) wanted to associate with the boy. They acted like everything was fine during MV filming, broadcasts, and other official videos but in reality, they avoided him behind cam.

Chanhee's insecurities manifest whenever a member would open their mouth to remind him of how much of a failure he was. It wasn't outwardly said but, it was implied that they would rather have Hyunjun with them than a boy who can't dance.

Juyeon held the poor boy's hand and caressed it with his thumb. "We're here to always help you, remember that." Chanhee nods and wipes his tears. "Don't overexert yourself. It's bad for your heart." Chanhee manages a small smile before practice resumes.

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