Chapter 1 - Have you had a 911 as well?

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I am currently at work; it is so busy I am just glad it is finally lunch and I can have 5 minutes. I am sitting round the table with Meredith, Izzie, Alex and George, these guys really are by best friends but none of them know my true identity because then I wouldn't have any friends.

'Have you guys got anything planned with your weekend?' Meredith says pulling me out of my thoughts.

'Work, work, and a bit more work' Izzie complains

'True that is all our lives are these days' George sighs eating his ham sandwich

'I have a rare treat this weekend as I have it off.' I smile

'Lucky for some, what are your big plans?' Alex butts in

'I wouldn't say big plans, probably hanging out with my boyfriend and then seeing my dad'

'Oh yeah, how are things in paradise?' Izzie winks at me

'Ok I guess, I haven't been able to see him for ages because of our work schedules.'

'Does you Dad now yet?' Meredith asks concerned

'No' I stated bluntly

'Wait, your dad doesn't know.' Alex nearly spits out his juice in surprise


'Why not?' George looks just as confused as Alex

'Because they work together and let's just say they really don't get on'

'Oh, this just spells disaster. How long have you been together?'

'A year next month'

'A year, it has been a year and you haven't told him. I thought you and your dad are close.' George looks so confused but that is usual for him

'We are and I tell him everything other than the fact I am dating his work colleague' God I dread the day I have to tell him. Instead of planning a date with Bucky I will be planning his funeral

'I can really see this going wrong' Alex chips in

'Thanks for your support, guys! It is greatly appreciated. I will probably tell him this weekend.' What a great group of friends I have

'We support you. Ignore the boys' Meredith smiles

'Why are you ignoring us?'

'Because you are both a pain in the arse' Izzie couldn't be more correct

'Thanks for that' George frowns eating his sandwich

'You're welcome' Izzie says smiling looking quite proud of herself but then we are all interrupted by the sound you dread as a doctor. Your pager. Not knowing what you are going to but even though I dread it, I love it at the same time.

'Have you had a 911 as well?' I ask Meredith as our pagers go off at the same time

'Yep, let's go' Meredith answers as we both get up and run to the pit where the unknown waits for us 

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