Chapter 3 - Is it a good time for food?

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I am now ready for surgery, I just need to fill in the Avengers about what the next steps are in the recovery of Clint. Now all of the Avengers are at the hospital together in the private waiting room. I knock on the door after taking some deep breaths, I really don't know why I am so nervous. I immediately lock eyes with Buck, God I always get lost in that man's eyes. I love him so much. Right Clint that is why I am here.

'Is everything ok?' Nat stands to attention as soon as I walk in

'He is holding really well. We have done further tests and there is no evidence of the bullets or knifes damaging any vital organs however we are taking him to into surgery to remove the bullets and to stitch him up.' I answer immediately and honestly

'How long to you reckon that will take?' Nat asks with so much worry in her eyes. God they must be so close

'We should only be a couple of hours. There is a viewing room to the OR if you want to watch'

'Thank you, Dr. Fitzroy' Steve smiles

'No problem. Once the surgery is over, I will let you know how it went'

'How long do you think it will take for him to wake?' A girl with dark/ginger hair answers. I believe that is Wanda

'I don't think it will be long but it can anywhere from a couple of hours to a day or so. It depends how he recovers'

'Thank you, Dr' Bucky says in his silky voice. God, I love his voice, he could talk forever and I would never get bored

'No problem. I am going to head into the surgery now. The viewing room is just down the corridor on the right just before the nurse's station.'

'Thank you. Could you please tell me where the cafeteria is?' My Dad says, I already know he wants to talk

'Really Tony, is it a good time for food?' Bruce says in disbelief

'Shut up, Bruce. I haven't eaten'

'It is the same way as I am going so, I will show you' I answer with a smile


'Not a problem' I say as we both leave the room. Finally I have time with my Dad

'Are you ok?' He asks straight away

'I'm fine, I should really be asking you that, your friend got shot.'

'I'm fine, kid. He is in good hands' Dad offers me a reassuring smile but I can see through that smile

'It has been ages since I saw you last' I state changing the subject

'I know right'

'Have you got greyer?'

'Thanks, Anya, when are you next free to meet up?'

'I have this weekend off I was going to text you later to see when you are free but I know you can be really busy.'

'I can always make time for you. Why don't you come over tomorrow night and Pepper and I can cook tea?'

'By Pepper and I, you mean Pepper, I'm guessing'

'Of course, but I need to make it sound like I actually do things'

'Sometimes, it is a good job I love you, Dad'

'I love you too, kid. Now go and be amazing and remember when you put your mind to it anything is possible' My Mom used to say that to me before she passed.

'I will, see you later' Dad grabs my hand, holding it tightly and looking at me lovingly. I pull away smiling and head the other way to him so I can start the surgery on Clint

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