Chapter 16 - Do you enjoy life, Sam?

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Once I leave the lab, I go to find Bucky. It turns out he is in the lounge with Steve, Sam, and Nat. I walk over to Bucky sit next to him and cuddle into him. I smile at everyone else as Bucky kisses my forehead. 'Hey babe, how are you'

'I'm good thanks, I have just been to speak to my dad'

'Is he ok?' Steve asks sipping his drink. 'Yes, but he has just offered me a job' Everyone looks at me confused. 'What sort or job?' Same asks as confused as everyone else. 'To be his assistant but also to be the resident Doctor for the Avengers'

'To be fair, we have been looking for a permanent Doctor for a while' Steve says nodding his head. 'And you are a good fighter so if needs must you could come on field with us' They all seem to agree with my Dad

'You are the perfect candidate, babe' Bucky smiles stroking my hair to calm me down. Clearly, he can tell that I am tense and nervous about the conversation I have just had with my dad. 'I know. I love my job at Seattle Grace but I have always wanted to see what else is out there. Luckily, I am a fully qualified doctor so I'm not tied to the hospital but I'm just not sure'

'You can still see your friends from the hospital whenever you want. That is our designated hospital for major incidents so you will still be in regular contact with the staff, anyway' Steve speaks sense, I will still see everyone. 'Steve has a point. Plus, you will still see us on a regular basis so that is a big positive' Sam says with his formidable grin slapped across his face.

'How can I say no, when I get to see your fabulous face every day, Sam' We all laugh along with him. 'That is enough to put anyone off the job' Bucky says doing his usual glare at Sam. 'He has a point' Nat laughs.

I think I have made my decision, 'I think I'm going to say yes'. Bucky looks at me smiling, 'Are you sure?'

'Yeah, it is a new adventure and I am quite excited' It will be good to see what else is out there. 'That means we get to spend more time together' If that time is spent like this morning then I will happily say yes a thousand times over, but Buck doesn't have to know I feel like that. 'Oh, you know what I might just stay at Seattle Grace'

'Hey! That is mean' Bucky says pretending to look hurt. 'Oh, you know I love you really' he smiles as I kiss him. 'We know you love each other, we heard it this morning' Nat says stopping Bucky and I in our tracks. Shit they heard us. We both instantly do red. 'What?'

'I don't know what you mean' Maybe if I play dumb they will forget about it. 'The shade of tomato, you just turned suggests otherwise. Isn't that right, James?' Oh shit he really heard us. Bucky only lets me call him James, he hates other people calling him it, even Steve. 'Shut up, Sam. There are only two people, I have ever allowed to call me that and they are my mom and Anya.' I feel him tense slightly so I rub his hand in mine.

'I feel honoured. Oh god, please tell me my dad didn't hear' That would be my worst nightmare. 'He was in his lab. We only hear because we were in my room discussing a mission' That is a blessing. 'Thank God' Bucky says what I am thinking. 'Just tone it down next time' Nat warns us with a smirk, partially knowing we aren't going to listen to her. 'I make no promises' Bucky laughs back.

Sam laughs 'You better make those promises, Bucky Bear'. God, they heard everything, how thin are the wall in this place. Sam is annoying me. 'Oh shit, you heard that to' Bucky turns a darker red and shakes his head. I think I need to stop this but my way 

'Do you enjoy life, Sam?' I ask Sam directly. Steve, Sam and Nat look confused but Bucky smirks. He knows where I am going with this. 'I do actually' He replies less confident than before. 'Then I suggest you shut up before I end it.' That wiped the smirk right off Sam's face.

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