Chapter 11 - It is HYDRA

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Once we get to the Ladies toilets and checked that it is empty, I lock Nat and myself in there. I feel a wave of panic come over me but I quickly calm myself down look at Nat who is very confused

'Are you ok?' Nat asks, her voice laced with concern 'It is HYDRA'

'What do you mean?' Nat know looks concerned as well as sounding it. 'Cassy is HYDRA' Nat shakes her head. 'What? How do you know?'

'When she said the quote about the neighbours and not knowing people, HYDRA used to say that all the time. She is one of the agents that took me and killed my mom. We need to tell the Avengers without arousing suspicion'

Nat just nods and gets her phone out, 'It's fine I will deal with that. I will get them to meet us in here.' Seriously, we are in the toilet. Nat, I don't know whether you have noticed but we are in the Ladies toilet. We can't exactly have a meeting in here'

'We have had meetings in worse places' I dread to ask. Just as she says that my phone pings with the message of 'Code H, come and powder your nose now'. Within a minute there was a knock at the door and all of the Avenger were at the door.

'What is going on?' Uncle Rhodey is the first person to speak. 'I knew something was going on when you rubbed your ear' Bucky says getting worried so I hold his hand

'What do you mean?' Wanda asked confused. 'When I rub my left ear, it is a signal to Bucky that we are in danger. We thought that give our past and who we are it would be wise.'

'It is, but what is going on' Pietro interjects. 'It is HYDRA' I say plainly

'What do you mean?' Steve asks looking worried and concerned.

I turned to Dad 'I am sorry, Dad but Cassy is HYDRA' He face drops with pure confusion and slight anger. 'How do you know?', he asks hoping I am wrong. 'I knew I recognized her from somewhere and she is one of the agents who took me'. 

'Wait, you were taken by HYDRA' Sam asks looking shocked and confused. 'Yes, but that is a long story we don't really have time for Sam.'

'I thought I knew her too because whenever I am around her, I always have flashbacks. Tony, what is her last name' Bucky says looking deep in thought

'Pierceson, Cassandra Alexandria Pierceson' Oh no. 'Shit' Bucky and I say it in unison.

'What' Dad says in concern

'As you know HYDRA used to be run by the ex-leader, Alexander Pierce, and his daughter Cassandrella Alexandra Pierce'

'Either they have really similar names or ...' Steve starts. 'They are the same person' Brue finishes Steve sentence

'Exactly' I agree. 'Ok what do we do?' Pietro buts in

'I have a plan. Dad, you have spare fireworks in the outhouse right'

'Of course' He agrees. 'Great, get them set up and get everyone outside so no one is hurt, if HYDRA is here, they are clearly after me and Bucky, so that is what we will give them however it will be a trap'

'Oh, you are good' Wanda smiles. I continue explaining the plan to everyone so they understand what they have to do. 'Does everyone understand the plan?' I asks and everyone says yes

'Do you have your suit' my Dad asks, always. 'Of course' I smirk

'You have a suit?' Clint asks with wide eyes. 'Yep' I nod

'Why haven't I seen you in it before?' Bucky asks with excitement in his eyes. Oh if you want to see it Buck, you can. 'You never asked'

'Don't worry I will be asking in the future' He just smirks

'Only if you play your cards right' I look at Buck and we just laugh at each other

'Keep your hands off my daughter' Dad says as he rolls his eyes

'We were winding you up, Dad' I hope we aren't because I am quite happy to show Bucky my suit later if he wants and how it zips up ... or down 

'Right, let's go Avengers' Steve says as we walk out of the toilet and go our separate ways. Here goes nothing, wish me luck.

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