Chapter 9 - Don't tell me he is your boyfriend!

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I was relaxed in the car with Bucky but as soon as we pulled up to the house my nerves set in again. I just keep telling myself it is going to be ok. Once we are out of the car, Bucky takes my hand as I knock on the door. Luckily Mom is the first person I see, she will be a lot more understanding than Dad ... I hope.

'Hey sweetie, how are you' She says pulling me into a tight, loving hug. God, I love her hugs, I always feel safe. 'I'm good thanks mom. How are you?'

'I'm all the better for seeing you' She looks behind me seeing Bucky and a confused expression is painted on her face. Here we go. 'Bucky, what are you doing here? Is there a mission?'

I go to open my mouth to explain but he beats me to it, 'I'm not here about the Avengers'. 'He is with me' I interject holding Buck's hand

'Is Bucky your boyfriend?' Mom says now with very wide eyes. 'Yeah, I'm sorry mom I just really like him'

There was a silence for a few seconds but it felt like a few years 'Are you happy?' well I was not expecting that to be the first thing to come out her mouth. I look at her and answer honestly 'Very much so' I say confidently smiling

'Then I have no problem with it, your dad on the other hand might take more convincing' I nod, walking into the house while hugging her again excited that she excepts him

'Where is he?'

'In his lab as per usual' I should have guessed. 'I should have really known that. Is he working on another suit?'


'What number suit is that?' To be honest with you I lost count at 5

'I lost count as after one to be honest' After the incident and Dad got kidnapped, he got so focused on Iron Man. I remember helping him make his first suit, he didn't want me to be in the lab with him as it was dangerous. However I refused to leave his side just in case he left me again. 'Didn't we all.'

'Yeah, you should. Do either of you want a drink?'

'I will have a water please'

'I will have the same thank you' Bucky says smiling. His smile makes me melt and those eyes ... God help me. 'No problem, pasta is for tea, is that ok?' that is more than ok

'Yes, I love your pasta mom it is so good' I am so hungry now

'Is that the one you constantly tell me about?' Bucky looks at me, he knows how much I love this pasta. I have promised I would keep him some when I have had it in the past but I just eat it instead. I can't help it 'Yes, it is so good'

'Good to know that you like it as it is the only thing I can cook' That is a lie she is an amazing cook. I don't know, we have had your cooking before Pepper and it is really nice, better than most of the Avengers' Bucky laughs

'I doubt that' Pepper being modest as ever

'Then you clearly haven't tried Bruce, Clint, or Steve's cooking. I mean he couldn't cook in the 40s but I thought with time it would get better but it only got worse.' We all just laugh, Steve can do many thing but cooking really isn't one of them.

Just then my Dad enters smiling and comes straight to me 'Hey A, if I knew you were already here, I would have come up sooner. How are you' he pulls me into a bear hug, 'I am good thanks, how are you?' he pulls away from my hug looking at Bucky really confused. Please pray for me. 'I'm good thanks. I thought you were bringing your boyfriend round. Anyway, why are you here, Bucky?'

'I have. Bucky is here with me' I say more confidently than I intended

'Oh god please don't tell me he is your boyfriend' His face drops in anger as he looks at Pepper who just gives him a look and he calms down. 'He is and we have been together for nearly a year. I appreciate you probably aren't best pleased but I love him and he makes me really happy. Please understand. I get he has a difficult past but all of us in the room have one.'

'Yeah, but you didn't kill people like he did' He snaps, I am not excepting that.

'That isn't his fault and you know it. HYDRA were controlling him and he had no control over his actions, plus Bucky saved me dad' I shout, pleading him to understand. He looks at Bucky and I confused, 'How'.

'When SHIELD infiltrated the base, I was still Bucky not the other guy. They told us to get in the back of these trucks to move base. I saw Anya in a cell as they were going to leave her there so I opened her cell and managed to unlock the chains. I knew where they had left her SHIELD wouldn't find her for ages and I wanted her to be safe. I led her to a safe place but before we could both escape Hydra got hold of me and put me in the back of a van' I look at Bucky with tears in my eyes. I know how hard it is for him to talk about Hydra so I hug him and he kisses the top of my head.

'I never knew that' My dad speaks up. 'Thank you for saving our daughter.' Mom gives him a genuine smile

'It is ok. It was the least I could do. When I was myself and not the Winter Soldier, I used to try and help as much as I could to make up for the upset I caused as the other guy'

'When did you two meet again?' My dad asks a lot softer than before

'I was doing triage at the hospital and he had hurt his hand, we recognized each other from somewhere but didn't realise it was HYDRA until later on. We exchanged numbers and the rest as they say is history.' I remember that day well after I fixed his hand, we went for lunch and have been together ever since.

'I wasn't best pleased to begin with but clearly you love each other and you saved my daughter so that means you care about her.' Dad says walking closer to Bucky and I. 'I really do care about her, Tony. She means so much to me.' Dad puts his hand out, Bucky takes it and they shake hands. Oh my God! 'Then I give my blessing. But if you hurt her, I swear to god I will personally kill you myself, understand.'

'I promise I won't hurt her.' I can't help but smile. I never thought that would happen in a million years.

'Good. Now let's go and eat' Dad says as his belly rumbles. 'Good, I am so hungry and it is mom's pasta so I am also very excited'. Dad looks at Mom like she has committed a murder.

'Wait, you are doing your pasta'. Mom nods 'Yeah why?' 

'I love it, we don't have it very often anymore' Dad sulks. 'I only really do it when Anya comes round'

'Right, that is settled, Anya you need to come round more often' Dad says with a big smile on his face as we all sit down. 'I have no problem with that. Buck, you really are in for a treat.'

'I have to say if it tastes as good as it smells then I am in for a treat.' He couldn't be more right

'You really are babe. Let's go and sit down.' I smile eating my food with my boyfriend sitting next to me and my parents sitting the other. I never thought this would happen but I am so glad it did. I am so happy right now and nothing can change that ... I hope. 

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